And “mostly peaceful” too.
You will be assaulted and killed by this “mostly peaceful idea” if Biden wins. Is there any doubt in your mind?
Where a Hispanic Catholic, and a Computer Geek write about Gun Rights, Self Defense and whatever else we can think about.
And “mostly peaceful” too.
You will be assaulted and killed by this “mostly peaceful idea” if Biden wins. Is there any doubt in your mind?
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.
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I tuned into the debate last night for roughly one minute. I saw the moderator ask Trump a question, and when Trump tried to respond, the moderator interrupted him and wouldn’t let him finish.
You didn’t miss anything. It was pretty much Trump vs Matthews with Biden occasionally interjecting when he wasn’t staring blankly off into space.
Shows you how effective our “education system” has become at destroying children and filling them with hate for America. When Trump wins We the People meed to quash this rioting bullshit.
Good Lord the “fact checks” this morning
Biden’s comments said last night mirrored the FBI Director’s own words he stated during sworn testimony before Congress.
Do I listen to a guy pattering away on his computer or does the FBI Director know what he’s talking about?
That’s the question, right?
Or you can look at the evidence.
Of course, it is not the first time that the FBI has fucked up by the numbers. It only took them 60 years to admit there was a Mafia.
Given their track record over the last several years, why would any sane person trust statements made, under oath or otherwise, by an FBI senior official?
Totally, believe the FBI director! (“Russian Collusion”)(“Steele Dossier!”)(Sworn statements, falsly made to FiSA court)
From what I could see from the snippets on the news, today Comey in testimony before the Senate claimed that “mistakes” were made with FISA applications but that this wasn’t intentional, and “it’s a complicated process”.
I guess he forgot that one of his crew pleaded guilty of forging documents for those applications. Forgery is an intentional act, and “it’s complicated” is neither excuse nor even explanation.
Curiously, either no one brought it up, or that reply didn’t make the cut for the news.
So you’re saying he’s lucid enough to remember to quote the testimony the FBI director came up with instead of something completely different? That’s a good start, I suppose. It suggests a certain amount of mental ability left, unless he was just reading it off of a teleprompter.
Seriously, what ELSE is he going to say? He’s going to contradict the FBI director, when the director already said exactly what they wanted him to say? Right or wrong, Biden memorized what he said and regurgitated it. That prooves…what? Oh, we know the FBI Director’s testimony was accurate, because Joe Biden said THE EXACT SAME THING! Amazing! His own independent investigation must have come to the exact same conclusions as the FBI. Russia Collusion Proved!
Just out of idle curiosity, how flammable are those plastic shields anyway?
Pretty flammable. They look like cut up plastic 55gal drums, which is made out of PET or something like that. It’s very soft and tough. They carry them (besides for the fact that they look all badass and cool, which is 85% of what antifa is about) to shove people, to protect from sticks and fists and pepper balls, rubber bullets, etc. But they are relatively flimsy and they are not fire or bullet proof, at all. Though it would be better protection from flames than nothing at all. It would melt quickly, but it would take the brunt of the fire, or the gasoline (or napalm….dare we imagine?) all over the shield, which can be cast away, unlike your clothing.