… for Venezuela: Start smuggling crates of Mosin Nagant Rifles down there.

And don’t forget the ammo:

Why Mosin Nagants? It would be poetic justice to see a communist dictatorship brought down by the guns of the Russian Revolution.
Now, the only thing we need is for the Venezuelan people to grow a pair.
They’re unfortunately too busy trying to buy medical supplies for their sick kids on the black market because the hospitals have all been looted by the military first, and civilian looters second.
No, they have no excuse. This has been a long time coming. And no meds are going in, not with a six billion dollar debt to the pharmaceutical companies.
Mom would go visit friends and the little family we have left every year since she moved with us in the States. I sent her supplies for three months on stuff as basic as Enalapril which is the one of the easiest pills to find in the world. But since she would stay sometimes past 3 months, I would have to ship her meds at least 3 weeks before they would run out becaause we couldn’t be sure she would find them. Two years ago she got sick with the chikungunya virus and the only think they could give her was Tylenol and Claratin for the symptoms. The moment she was somewhat able to walk, I had her come back to Miami. It took her another six months of good food and healthy environment to get her back to normal.
Right now, the cure for what ails the country would be easier to find via 7.62x54R than antibiotcs.
I am glad you got out. I do not see any way for the West to successfully intervene. We would be playing into the hands of Maduro and the Chavistas. So any intervention would have to be from the reactionary Marxists, which thankfully is down to Cuba, and a few ragtag bands hiding in hills and jungles in other countries. And if Cuba can somehow scrape up forty to eighty thousand troops (hah!) to intervene, I bet half would head for the Colombian border given a chance.
If we did not have a Marxist sympathizer in charge here, and self absorbed incompetent idiots in Europe, your smuggling scheme might be already under way. I fear things will play out and get much worse before they get better.
Yup, the military is bought (nothing new) but they have their own civilian battalions that would be a pain in the ass. Besides, there is no strategic worth to be found.
Cuba and Venezuela have/had an exchange program: Cuban Doctors for Venezuelan Oil. 99% were less than nurses assistants, but played doctors and whenever they could, they made a beeline for Colombia. Nobody knows exactly how many escaped.
My prediction is that we are going to see an Africanization process: Fragmentation of the country into bands of warlords vs the government and civilians caught in the middle. Chavez armed way too many anti-social elements to serve as his enforcers and they were never kept in check. There is a lot of hardware floating around in the wrong hands.
The idea reminds me of all the old German K-98’s the Israelis used to protect themselves in 40’s.