That’s some fine police work! Moment sobbing girl, 9, and five adults are ARRESTED at New York’s Natural History Museum for refusing to show COVID vaccine cards: Onlookers heckled heavy-handed NYPD cops

The arrests, which come amid soaring crime in the Big Apple, took place on Wednesday. Trouble began when a half-dozen purported members of the New York Freedom Rally – a group that has been staging anti-vax protests throughout the city – attempted to enter the Manhattan museum without showing their vaccine passports in violation of rules. Those require every visitor five years and older to show proof of vaccination.

Here us video:

NYC has had a record number of people pushed in front of subway trains in the last year and a 343% increase in anti Asia hate crimes but they have cops to pull an unvaxxed 9-year-old out of a museum.

A pox on NYC and the Waffen NYPD.

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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “Just some ordinary men of the Waffen NYPD following orders”
    1. Granted the environment you are immersed in will affect the message you see, and how you see it. But even in heavily liberal areas, it seems to me the inconsistencies are becoming simply too big for many people to keep ignoring. For instance, the small town I live in is very liberal. 90%+ vaccinated rate. Yet we are seeing spikes in Omicron cases like crazy. And I’m starting to hear people ask each other, WFT?

  1. Boris hits the nail on the head.

    Even the most ardent leftist/statist is beginning to see the chasms in the narrative. And… they are probably getting tired of having to show papers to get into anywhere, eat out, or work. (OK, work is a bit of a stretch).

    But, you know what a PITA it is when you leave your ID at home, and that is the one time out of a million the cashier demands to see it before selling you a six pack? Yeah. Imagine that happening every day for every thing.

    Pretty soon, the people who are demanding everyone get vaxxed will start to get annoyed. Cautiously optimistic here, but an end may be in sight.

  2. My brother lived overseas, for 20+ years, job mobbed with Continental expats. He cites them being all “that awful Trump”, “That awful Bush”, etc.

    He was a Fauxi fanboi.

    Until recently. Multiply vaxed, *he* caught Da Rona.

    Now, he decides Fauxi & the CDC. AND their “Magic 8 Ball” of quarantine/number of cases/etcetera.

    When you have lost my brother, Big Brother, you are truly lost!

  3. To a point maybe, but what I’m seeing is the most ardent leftists have doubled down and made vaxxing/passports/etc part of their identity. They use it to feel morally superior to anyone who disagrees. It’s not called the Cult of Covid for nothing.

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