By J. Kb

16 thoughts on “Just your daily reminder that they hate you and want to kill you”
    1. Google translate says your words translate as “MOLON RECEIVE A MOTHER OF A PROFESSOR”

      I suspect an accurate translation might be both considerably more oedipal, as well as more, shall we say, “street”.

      But, yeah. What Ish said. May I reference the old proverb, “Be careful of what you wish for. You may receive it”?

      1. The two ancient Chinese curses: “May you live in interesting times,” and “May you find what you are looking for.”

        Well I already got one, let’s see if I can finally get what I’m looking for.

  1. This tweet is also a very blatant violation of Twitter’s rules about “Violence” and “Abuse/Harassment.” Not that Twitter will give a shit, but I think everyone of us who can should hit the Report button.

  2. The Soviet Union killed 60 million people over the course of 70 years. The democrats want to exterminate at minimum 80 million citizens in 4. But how many United States citizens will turn against the democrats? So the real number is close to the percentage of the United States population that opposes or resists the mandated extermination of all Trump voters, registered Republicans, gun owners and there family members. How many is that? Besides nearly everyone? So the real goal of the democrats is the extermination of 330 million United States citizens by the end of 2024. And all the democrats have to do to avoid global intervention and condemnation is throw a few nukes at Israel and kill every single Jew in Israel and the Middle East at large. So really 330 million United state citizens as well as the entire Jewish population in Israel. By 2024.

    1. In fairness, I’m cool with exterminating 80M citizens, if it secures the Republic for another generation.

      Granted, they and I are thinking of different groups of 80M.

  3. “David” has no idea what would really happen…. unshirted hell. Even if the response was 3% his ilk is vastly out numbered. More hollywood physudoballs

    1. It needs to be a lot more than one. The police will arrest one shooter. It needs to be thousands. We saw how they responded to violence from hundreds this summer.

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