You remember him. The one taunting the armed citizens, using the “N” word and eventually catching one in the brain pan.
He was a sexual predator, a child rapist. I originally find out by a tweet in passing (Her name was Vicky, sorry I lost her account) and I went in the Wisconsin Registered sex Offender database:

The original crime happened in Arizona, so I checked their immate database, holy crap.

Besides the conviction for sex with a minor, he has 40 records of infractions while incarcerated. From disobeying to drug possession and assaulting the staff.
In a sense, it is poetic justice that he ended his days on Earth by the hand of a minor.
So exactly what kind of people hang around inside BurnLootMurder?
On one hand he was 18 when the offense occured.
Don’t know how old the minor was but I doubt he got 10 years in jail plus 2 years probation (or whatever that was) for sex with his 17 year old girlfriend.
In Arizona, Romeo and Juliet is a Misdemeanor for the first offense.
Live by the sword…die by the sword. Violent, dangerous people either reform (rare) or pay a price from the law (or other people, nice or not).
I doubt that he will be missed by many.