
Miami (AFP) – Florida saw a significant spike in murders after enacting a “Stand Your Ground” law allowing people to use lethal force in self-defense in public or on private property, international researchers said Monday. The southern state’s 24 percent rise in homicide from 2005 to 2014 stood in sharp contrast to nationwide homicide rates, which have been declining since the 1990s, according to research led by the University of Oxford and published in a special issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Internal Medicine.”This study highlights how Stand Your Ground is likely to be a cause of the rise in Florida murders, and provides crucial information which may influence future decision-making that affects wellbeing in the US and abroad,” said co-author Antonio Gasparrini of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Source: Spike in murders seen after Florida self-defense law: study – Kerry Sheridan

I can’t stop getting mad at the BS that is created around SYG. But it goes double when a Florida native goes along with it. The same anger tones down a bit when you realize the author is a Journalist which we painfully know they have no issues with lying as long as they can print something shocking or politically satisfactory to their masters.

To the article:

Florida saw a significant spike in murders after enacting a “Stand Your Ground” law.

Er… no. The Law was enacted in October 2005 so we have to rely on the FDLE numbers from 2006 on. But let me be fair and include the numbers to all the way back to 2,000.


So basically, from 2006 to 2015, both the total numbers and the murder rate has actually dropped, not raised 24 percent.  And if we go back all the way to the year 2,000, we see that pretty much the murder rate has remained stable while the population of the state has grown around 20%.


The southern state’s 24 percent rise in homicide from 2005 to 2014.

Whoa there Nelly! I thought you were talking Murders. Homicides legally are a much different thing. You two wouldn’t be purposely trying to misguide your readers, would you?

And we finish with the real reason why we are seeing such a slanted interpretation of the numbers:

“This study highlights how Stand Your Ground is likely to be a cause of the rise in Florida murders, and provides crucial information which may influence future decision-making that affects wellbeing in the US and abroad,”

Now, we know most people, specially in the Gun Control side, will no go past the first part of the article, see that the study is attached to some allegedly important institute of “higher” learning and published in a “respected” professional publication and accept the “findings” without double checking the basics.

So, why the lies? It does not make any sense! Or does it? In the same article:

Meanwhile, on a nationwide scale stronger gun laws were linked to fewer homicides using firearms, said a separate research paper in the same JAMA issue.
“Overall, we found evidence that stronger firearm laws are associated with decreased homicides due to firearms,” said lead author Lois Lee, a doctor at Boston Children’s Hospital’s Division of Emergency Medicine and Harvard Medical School.

Another manufactured job by “researchers” to prove once and for all that Gun Control is Good even if we have to kill you to prove our point. I am starting to get the feeling that the timing for the release of these studies was not a coincidence and may even had to do with the expectation of a different result on November 9th of this year.

But I am suspicious kind of fella. Don’t mind me.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Kerry Sheridan and Antonio Gasparrini repeat the SYG Lies.”
  1. “Whoa there Nelly! I thought you were talking Murders. Homicides legally are a much different thing. You two wouldn’t be purposely trying to misguide your readers, would you?”

    Of course they would, silly! (yeah, I knew it was a sarcastic rhetorical question)

    Kinda like folks who refuse to admit the difference between legal immigrants and illegal immigrants.

  2. “we found evidence that stronger firearm laws are associated with decreased homicides due to firearms”

    Really? Strictly reducing the number of firearms might result in fewer firearm related deaths. I bet the same studies found that sharply reducing car ownership resulted in few motor vehicle collisions.

    I am curious why they limit themselves to firearm related homicides. Oh, wait, I know, Because if they looked at all homicides, their argument would be proven invalid.

      1. Yeah, don’t I know it.

        Ask them if being beaten to death somehow makes you less dead, and their response will be “guns were designed to kill…”

  3. What happened in 2005-2006? Both the rate and raw numbers increased for several years. (I live on the other end of the country.)

  4. I recall a BMJ article in the run up to Desert Storm estimating Iraqi civilian caualties in the 200,000 range I think.

    They were totally desperate to stop the “aggression” against the peaceful regime.

    MDs opinions on wars and gun control do not count when ignorance is profound.

  5. While the MSM will never look for the truth in the statistics, you have provided the facts. Thanks. Time to hitch up the tractor, this is just another load of manure to spread.

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