Most everybody knows that the Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence’s Facebook page is a no-dissension zone. If you have post a comment contrary to their dogma, it will be deleted and you will be banned for posting ever again. It is a nice way to control the flow of information, namely only their information unchallenged.

Of course, when Ladd does not control the environment, things turn against him rather badly. Today he started a campaign to have his followers post anti gun and anti Starbucks posts at Starbucks Facebook page and the poor fella is getting his rear end waxed with a stone grinder. I don’t think I am exaggerating when I say that pro-Starbucks comments are ten times whatever drivel Ladd and his back ups from other organizations manage to post.

Strangely enough, the Bradys are nowhere to be seen. I think they learned their Starbucks lessons last year when they tried to pull their own boycott and lost miserably.

UPDATE: It is getting so bad for Ladd & Co. that they are getting desperate and deleting posts after people just trounce them with facts. The people that were helping him earlier have pretty much but disappeared and only a couple of new volunteers have shown and they are also taken to the shed.

I have been asking Ladd to apologize for slandering Dan Daley but he is ignoring me and most everybody by now.

Not a good day for CSGV.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

11 thoughts on “Ladd & Co. are getting their Facebook butts kicked.”
  1. You had me excited for a moment when I read the title of the post, I thought Facebook was kicking them off like Twitter did (temporarily) lol

    I really don’t understand why they think it’s their business to drag a company into a debate they obviously want no part of, and to try and extort money from them no less.

    1. Starbucks HQ is in the People’s Republic of Seattle IRRC. It is Liberal Central, Grunge City and Che T-Shirt Country. They support a whole bunch of causes so that they do not come out banning guns outright is seen as if Barney Frank all of the sudden became straight and admitted his political sins. They must be brought to toe the line even if it hits them in the pocket. Starbucks however likes money more than patchouli and are smart enough to find a middle ground where they can stay away from the fracas.

  2. I noticed – and was very amused – that Ladd very carefully avoided and ignored my comment on Starbucks’ wall thanking them for respecting freedom and tolerating the expression of it.

    After he went off the deep end and got CSGV’s Twitter account locked down while attacking me and others, I cannot say as though I am surprised.

    Keep bringing up Dan Daley – that is a point we need to drive home loud and clear… that Ladd Everitt and the CSGV very clearly and loudly supported the CRIMINAL over the law-abiding citizen LAWFULLY defending himself.

  3. Yeah. I got banned from the page for pointing out the logical fallacies they were using, including strawman and poisoning the well.

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