This comment apparently is very bad:

Now, Larry has collected an untold number of enemies in the SciFi Woke/SJW community since the days of the Sad Puppies and they are little assholes that hold grudges almost as long as I do. So I do believe some of them idjits probably reported Larry, bit still it does not make sense as the statement is not that outrageous compared to all the shit being said about the President’s sickness.

And then it struck me: Some asshole in Facebook probably construed Larry’s comments as racist since Rick Moranis’ attacker belongs to the Human Predator Politically Protected Species.

That is my guess anyway, YMMV.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “Larry Correia lands in Facebook Jail.”
  1. But hoping that Orangeman will die of Kungflu for the good of the country is NOT hate speech. Got it.

    1. 76shovel, I somewhat agree with you. I don’t use Facebook, never have.Cant stand their “ politics”. But I am a supporter of Trump and the Constitution. I am also an unapologetic capitalist and have made over 700% on my IPO investment in Facebook?

      So libtards, keep up the good work! My wallet appreciates it.

    2. I never started. Sometimes I wish I had so I could quit. But it’s better this way. I never had the infection. I hate jumping on bandwagons.

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