“For all the people having a massive come apart this morning because the military won’t take transsexuals, get ahold of yourself. They didn’t want me because of asthma and bad feet! There is a giant list of reasons why they will refuse people, medical, mental, or other. Most of which have way less logistical baggage involved.
It is an organization that should be dedicated to killing people and breaking their shit, not a country club.
I’ve also heard Mattis is trying to get rid of all the useless sensitivity training and 28 hour PowerPoint presentations too. Because if it gets in the way of making war, it’s dumb.
It isn’t about just you. It is about the team. They got rid of that stupid Army of One slogan because it ain’t.”

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Larry Correia lays it on the Tump Ban on Military Trans”
  1. Finally, some sanity!

    If it is not mission critical and if it impacts unit readiness, it has dubious value, and that is from a civilian.

  2. Hear, hear…A military force does not exist to socialize people, develop their consciousness or equalize society or fix its social ills, especially Left agendas. As Colin Powel said : The Army exists to kill people and break things”.
    Anything that gets in the way of that – such as 8 hours of gender sensitivity training versus 8 hours at the rifle range, damages the mission capability of the force.

  3. “It is an organization that should be dedicated to killing people and breaking their shit . . .”

    I prefer forcing them to submit and taking their shit, but that could just be me.

    1. Having a credible threat to kill someone is usually the most effective way to force that someone to submit…

  4. The same people who yesterday were saying the military is a tool of imperialist oppression by the white supremacist, xenophobic, racist, heteronormative, patriarchy are pissed today that trans people can’t be in it anymore. It’s just an excuse to be outraged.

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