By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Latest scientific trend: Woke Quantum Physics”
  1. Scientific American is a skinsuit. It’s no longer about science, but rather about raising tribalism and superstition above reason.

  2. ‘Scientific American’ is neither scientific nor American. The first is obvious from content like this.

    The second? It’s publisher is a privately held German corporation.

  3. I had dinner with two scientists (as in actually have the title of “scientist” and they each run their own research labs at a university) tonight. One of them told a story about how they recently sat in on a doctoral review committee for another department.

    The doctoral student in question had obviously not done the work they were taking credit for. My freind had discovered with a 3 second Google search that the paper this student had submitted was based on research that the lab the student was working for had published two years ago.

    “If one of my people had done this, they would be fired. If I had done this, I would expect to be fired.”

    My freind brought this up to the committee (remember, they were sitting in on the committee and had no actual power) and one of the committee members said “You have to understand: we are not awarding PhDs to enough minorities, so that has to be taken into consideration.”

    My friend did not know until this point that the student was any kind of minority.

    This is medical research. People’s lives are literally at stake.

    1. A friend of mine has a sister who went through medical school. Full degree as a doctor, as in ‘certified to be a sawbones’.

      While she was in school, one evening she realized she’d forgotten her purse, and went back to the classroom to get it. When she entered, she found a couple TAs and all the minority students in that class. The TAs were helping the students study by… giving them the answers to the upcoming test. She hadn’t fully grasped this yet.

      When she asked what was going on, she was told it was a study session. Being a conscientious student, she asked if she could join in and was told ‘no’. Because, of course, she wasn’t a minority.

      This will fly under the radar until someone is called upon to do surgery. And then they will fuck it up, and kill or cripple someone. My guess is the first few times, it’ll be hushed up — large cash settlements and sealed documents.

      Until finally, someone will be die and their family will not be assuaged by mere money. They will want blood. And then this will crack open and the medical profession will wish they were back in the bad old days when doctors were only slightly more reliable than magicians at keeping you out of the grave.

      1. I wouldn’t count on that. I think wokeness is here to stay until the system collapses. I doubt judges will even make major awards in claims against the woke. What’s the follow up on the woke bridge that collapsed in Florida?

  4. Good heavens. Quantum physics is rough, tough, and hard to wrap your mind around. (I managed – I have a doctorate in nuclear physics. But I didn’t enjoy the theory part.) Now we have to be Woke too? That’s second-stage PC! I say it’s spinach, and I say the hell with it.

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