I really do not understand the mindset of these people:

If being prepared for such a contingency is bad and the solution is another law, I say that we make heart attacks illegal and we can stop training people in CPR. Choking on a piece of food? Illegal and that way we don’t have to teach the Heimlich maneuver. I would go as far as prohibiting fire so we don’t have to learn how to use a fire extinguisher and PASS.
At the end, I guess they fear self-reliance the most. Useless people resent those who can take care of themselves…. and they want laws to stop us.
Yep, because we all know that just one more law will make all of the bad actors behave.
By their standard, I guess I should remove the hurricane ties from my house too.
Keep the hurricane panels though… best defense against the Zombie Apocalypse.
[…] Go read this article… […]
Yup, we need more laws. We’ll model the new gun laws after the the drug laws. Of course drugs are more common in our schools than guns, but who wants to quibble over details?
[…] […]
Just once, for the sake of argument, I’d like to see a school do an “active stabber drill,” wherein someone walks through the school with a rubber training knife – or a red Sharpie works, too, for effect – and “stabs” as many people as he/she can until stopped.
It’d be instructive for a few reasons:
1. The low-information public will (hopefully) realize that ALL mass violence is bad, and not just “gun violence.”
2. It’d inform that guns are not required for massive displays of violence and death.
3. Related to #2, “universal background check” laws are useless, because not all items useful for mass violence require background checks to purchase.
What do you think? Anything you would add?