The headline:

The rate at which Florida’s nursing home residents died of COVID-19 more than doubled during the Thanksgiving holiday period, according to a new AARP report,

I beg your pardon? The AARP? The highly politica-sided with the Democrats American Association of Retired Persons? The same AARP that has sided with Gun Control since the Clinton Administration? That AARP?

“During”? I thought we were going to have people dying in swarms after Thanksgiving because we did not eat the turkey with our masks on while superspreading family gatherings.

In the three-week period before and after the November holiday, 4.7 out of every 1,000 nursing home residents died in the state, an increase from 2.3 out of 1,000 in the four weeks before Nov. 15. The analysis also showed an increase of cases among residents and staff in the same period, until Dec. 6.

I am confused now. Was it during or after Thanksgiving now?

Over 7,900 residents and staff at elder-care facilities have died of COVID-19 so far in Florida, according to state totals.

I saw you mention that earlier. Interesting that you feel the need to add staff as if the elderly were festering units of contamination killing the medical personnel.

And then, in what probably would be treated as “See? We do balanced reporting” we find this quote:

Still, Florida is still well below the national average, a death rate of 15.3 per 1,000 residents. South Dakota had the deadliest nursing home rate, at 59.1 out of 1,000 residents.

Wait, what? National average for residents only is 15.3 and Florida is 4.7 and that is including the personnel to have an inflated number? Florida’s nursing home deaths is 3 times lower than the national average and yet your headline insinuates that we are murdering our seniors?

This is not a misunderstanding or Interns fucking up a headline while the senior editors are vacationing in The Keys. This looks purposely done and I believe because the Herald is invested in getting rid of Governor DeSantis and his people. Good virus stats in a state that is pretty much not under lock-down rules runs against the directives from  the Up North Intelligentsia to keep the townfolks locked inside their house and accepting the wisdom of their betters  while they royally ignore the rules they impose.

Maybe this is the reason the Miami Herald is down to offer itself cheaper than a meth hooker on a Monday night.

I’ll have a drink the day they announce they are closing their doors for good.  I really think their reputation can’t be saved. I think I would trust a shady Craiglist post more than anything coming out of them.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Layer and Layers of Editorial Malpractice: Seniors dropping like flies according to the Miami Herald”
  1. Not just the Herald. Watching the local news is 15 min COVID panic, 10 min Trump hate, 5 min sports. Pretty much every channel.

    They make it sound like people are dropping dead in the streets and there’s piles of corpses at the morgues/hospitals.

  2. When 2+2=5, pretty soon a million becomes a billion, and no one notices… Slip an extra zero in there and we’re talking crumbs that fell off the side of the table. Go ahead, do it. No one will notice or care.

  3. Wait… We’re supposed to be scared by a 0.47% fatality rate in a population that’s the most vulnerable? A third of the worst rate in the country?

    1. And some are even starting to bitch because DeSantis wants the vaccine to go first to the seniors. I had one in Twitter comment that the old folks can wait a couple of months locked up, but first it must be given to the First responders regardless of age.

      1. Could be worse. I heard yesterday that MA squad member Pressley is saying convicts should get priority.

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