Even a cursory reading of the law reveals that the Stand Your Ground statute has nothing whatever to do with the Self-Defense Immunity statute, other than having been adopted by the same session of the Florida legislature.

Indeed, the legislators have simply cloaked their desire to re-impose criminal and civil liability on law-abiding people, who act in genuine self-defense, under the guise of “fighting” Stand Your Ground. In doing so, these feckless legislators merely reveal the duplicitous nature of their actions.

via Florida | Stand Your Ground | Senate Panel | Trial Lawyers.


Andrew Branca does a much better job of explaining this latest load of crap. Next the Florida legislature will pass a law demanding rape victims to pay for free condoms for Sexual Predators.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Legal Insurrection: Florida Senate “Stand Your Ground” panel advocates for lawsuits against people who lawfully defend themselves”
  1. Tort laws in NC were frequently used to enrich the coffers of black lawyers before civil immunity was granted to victims of family members- many who filed multimillion dollar lawsuits before the investigations were completed. I suspect if you look at the makeup of these ‘panels’ you will see a homogeneous mixture of professions and ethnicity. White lawyers will stay out of the fray because they can profit no matter which way this goes.

  2. You comments policy is:
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    As I am an Internet Commando (I didn’t realize it until I read the term in your comments policy) I will dutifully respect your policy and not comment further.

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