So we discovered the hard way our roof has a leak and we need to have it fixed before the new rainy/hurricane season begins. Not happy about having to shell four figures for the repair and then the evil people of Brownells send me this in an email.

Bravo SS .22LR Conversion Kit w/ 3-25rd Magazines : CMMG AR-15/M16 22LR BRAVO CONVERSION KITS | Brownells

For $229 is is a damn good deal. If one of you was thinking about doing a conversion, specially with 5.56 rounds being so expensive, go ahead and snatch one and let us know so we can hate you.

OK. so I can hate you.

PS: Nothing roof in South Florida is cheap when it comes to roofs in case you were wondering. 

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

16 thoughts on “Life, you suck.”
    1. From what I was told and shown, it was wind that pushed a shingle and a couple of nails under rusted out enough to lose the seal. It would be interesting if insurance paid for it.
      Then again, this is Florida. We call 325 mph wind a “breeze”

      UPDATE: Missus pointed out that our deductible is bigger than the repair cost and that we do not need the rates to go up.

      Which is why she is the one in charge of the money.

  1. Good price, but conversions are iffy. Nothing against CMMG, I have and like one of their pre-Banshee 9mm ARs, but the S&W M&P 15-22 I own is great. Accurate and 100% reliable. Yes, it will cost substantially more, plus sights and optic
    In any case, best of luck with the conversion.

  2. Way back before the Great Ammo Scare of 2012, I stocked up on reioading components. I can shoot .223 reloads for less tgan today’s cost of .22LR

  3. Do metal roofs show up in Florida? They are popular here way up north where there’s lots of snow, because they are basically impervious to any sort of bad weather and almost any abuse. My wife doesn’t care for the look which is why we have asphalt shingles, but it might be a possibility to consider.

    1. I have not checked them out and truthfully I have not seen them or realized they were metal. Rust may be a consideration? I’ll check, I know we may due for another roof in 4-5 years

      1. I don’t know how they do it, but as far as I know with modern steel roofing materials there isn’t a rust problem. As I said, there are plenty of them in NH, where the weather is certainly nasty enough.

        A friend of mine had a house with a sheet copper roof, talk about corrosion proof. It had soldered seams, too. And post & beam construction, of oak, not pine. But that’s not usual.

        Modern metal roofing comes in assorted styles, some pretty slick looking. The traditional “standing seam” that’s very obvious, but also ones that look like shingles, or clay tile. They are a bit shinier than the real thing, that’s about all that gives it away.

  4. I love using the CMMG conversion. It runs like a top in my son’s two uppers but it won’t run in mine. Mine is a PSA, so is one of his. Go figure.

  5. These conversions may or may not gunk up the gas port and the rifling with lead from the .22lr.

    Some customers love them, others had problems.

    Not much to say about them otherwise – they run fine and are, like any good .22lr weapon, lots of fun 😀

    1. Yep. I have 2. My young boys love them. They run like tops. Just have to keep them clean!

      Sorry about the roof, that sucks. We built our house with a metal roof after fighting a leak on our previous house that was “fixed” by pros and started up again several times. At least it leaked down to a vent hole in the ceiling and dripped into the toilet! It was, however, quite annoying on midnight bathroom breaks to have cold water dripping down your back. I offered a case of beer to the roofer who could show me where the heck it was coming from during a full teardown. Nobody walked away with a rack of suds. It shall remain a mystery.

  6. Yes, metal roofing is available in Florida.

    It ain’t cheap though, but it does have the benefit of lowering your windstorm insurance.

    We had a heavy 24 gauge standing seam metal roof installed early 2016.

    It was about 26k for everything including replacement of a lot of roof decking, premium self-sealing underlayment and some other stuff that I’m forgetting. But this was for a not so little roof.

    Took about three and a half weeks, with the crew bitching because we went with the heaviest gauge available. They did a great job anyway.

    But it’s basically a lifetime roof.

    There’s a bunch of different style of metal roofing available now with the cheaper being the visible fastener and a one that looks like asphalt shingles.

  7. My CMMG kit is superb. Runs just as well with Black Dog Machine mags, too.

    t doesn’t lock open with any mag or the manual latch, but that’s my ONLY complaint about the kit.

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