The Honey-Do list grew like Chinese drywall mold and I have been given an ultimatum to at least get it pared down one third…or else. “Or else” is never a good thing coming out the mouth of a Southern Girl.
And so you can laugh at me even more. here is me doing my impression of Robocop: Hialeah.

And I have to admit I giggled too long at this advertisement at the optic store. Wife issued a warning not to to go full 12 year old:
And you can always go talk/chat/harass politely fellow blog readers at the GFZ Forum which is Facebook and Twitter Censorship Free (Some basic rules of behavior apply)
You’ve never looked so good! 🙂
why not a permanent link / button / icon for the forum on the gfz page? on the right bar or even top bar / right ?
Crap…that is a good idea.