Back in 2016, Miranda and the cast of Hamilton decided to lecture Vice President Mike Pence when he came to view the show assuming all the worst things about Republicans.

It was ugly and unbecoming, considering how divisive the Hilary campaign had been.

But it’s now 2021, and Miranda’s time is up.

They made his musical In the Heights into a movie.  It’s just too bad that they didn’t cast enough dark skin Afrocarribian actors in it.  Now Miranda is a racist and must be destroyed.

The Woke mob is never satiated, I can’t wait for his groveling apology tour and cancelation.


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By J. Kb

11 thoughts on “Lin-Manuel Miranda had a good run, but the Woke mob has come for him too.”
  1. I told my woke family members that I was ashamed of them for watching Hamilton because that dude engaged in Whiteface.

    Broke their brains a little.

  2. Cretin shouldn’t complain, when his dick (if he has one), gets caught in the wood chipper.

  3. The honest truth is that the absolute favorite activity of Leftist is purging and killing other Leftist.
    Sadly, Jews are a close second, followed by normal people trying to mind their own business.

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