Everybody is Gansta till shit gets holes they were not supposed to get.

“I swear guys! I just emptied the mag!”

No you did not, you colossal twerp. You even even looked at the magwell from below of looking through chamber. You just racked the slide, saw a cartridge eject and your intoxicated mind added 2=2 to get a 22 AKA Negligent Discharge.

He is some sort of gamer who got drunk started streaming and ended up with a negligent discharge in what I think is his home. From what I seen in Twitter, he lost his biggest sponsor. No kidding!

And once again:

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “LiveStreaming Negligent Discharge”
  1. Let’s see; failure to know how to properly clear a firearm, racked the slide twice to make sure it’s loaded, used a firearm as a prop to intimidate his “bitch.” put unwanted holes in stuff, failed to know what was behind his “target,” and stupid enough to post the video on twitter. I hate “red flag laws” but I might make an exception in this case.

  2. I’m watching him “clear” his weapon. Where is that step where you drop the mag to make sure you don’t feed another round into the chamber?

    Reminds me of the accidental shooting in a car video from a few years ago.

    Girl is sitting in drivers seat. Guy is sitting in passenger seat. Guy two is in the back. The woman is talking shit to FB live stream. She picks up the Glock. Points it at the camera, pulls the trigger. *CLICK*. She goes to pull the trigger a second time, nothing. She racks the slide, points it at the passenger’s head before anybody can stop her she pulls the trigger.

    Traumatic brain damage ensues.

    Good news, she was sentenced to 15 years.


    Bad news, she shot a person she barely knew with an “empty” “unloaded” gun.


  3. Quick story- back in the early 90s I was sitting in a buddys living room watchin a movie and yakkin. We were talking training with handguns n such. I used to pick out a charactor in a movie and dry fire at them everytime they come on scene. Well…. did i mention a couple beers?? I had cleared my 1911 and he had a beretta cleared. We got done dry firing and I reloaded mine. About an hour later I picked it up, lined up the sights, dropped the safety and put a 185grain hydrashock dead center in the screen…… nobody got hurt and we all learned a valuable lesson- leave ammo and beer out of the room when dry firing.. funny part was his wife sleeping in the next room never woke up. The tv screen stopped the round and I did buy him a new tv. Never had a negligent discharge again. ALWAYS be alert

    1. I did a very similar thing but no alcohol was involved.

      Dry fire practice. Reloaded and holstered. Did do the thing I was going to do and the reason I reloaded and holstered. Resumed dryfire practice. Boom destroyed a blender and cracked a backsplash tile in my kitchen… I’m a dumbass.

      It is very easy to make a mistake when you get distracted or break then resume a pattern. Note this is not an excuse but an identification of a weakness.

      The apology video this streamer out up owned his actions 100% and the consequences of them. I believe he learned his lesson from it and sees just how lucky he was.

  4. Safe Firearms Handling- Trump’s One Rule 1) Never let the government take your firearms!

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