There is a “war” going on between groups of youngsters in north London amid a spate of shootings and stabbings in the capital, according to a veteran campaigner.
The youths, from Tottenham and Wood Green, are being fuelled by social media, racial equality campaigner Stafford Scott said.
He spoke out after gang members appeared to joke and boast over the killing of 17-year-old Tanesha Melbourne, who was shot dead in Tottenham on Monday, in a series of vile social media posts…
…In an interview with the Standard earlier this week, Tottenham MP David Lammy warned of a “turf war between two rival gangs in Tottenham and Wood Green”.

London murders: Youngsters are ‘locked in war fuelled by social media’ as violent crime surges

And on this side of the pond:

Miami Police responded to the scene off NW 63rd Street and 13th Place around 2 p.m. Sunday.
Three of the victims were rushed to Jackson Memorial Hospital where one died. The fourth victim, believed to be 17 or 18 years of age, died on scene.
“As far as I know he was riding with a couple of friends and they said a car turned around a car started shooting at them but you know there are a lot of different stories so we don’t know exactly what happened,” said Shirelda Huntley Thomas, who says her nephew, a senior at Northwestern Senior High School, was the person killed on scene…
(buried at the bottom of the article)
…In this case, officials believe the shooting may have been gang-related.
“It appears gang-related. It appears more than one person creeped up on four people that were here. They never even really had a chance. It was over 20, over 25 shots that had been fired,” said Suarez.

Northwestern Senior High Student Killed In Liberty City Shooting

Gang is a bad word. The word gang cannot be mentioned in polite media company. If you say that word loud enough, the local chambers of commerce will have a hissy fit and send glitter bombs your way. Why? Because the mention of gangs in a local media, sends tourist and other shoppers to more peaceful locations. You say “gangs” and they see dollar bills with wings flying away to other destinations.

And cops cannot deal with gangs, they are not allowed since many a gang member is a minority and thus any action against them will be considered a racist attack against an underprivileged member of our society.

I can’t speak for London’s problems, but I can point you out to how bad the Liberty City gang problem is: The show the First 48 ran at least six seasons with murders from the city of Miami and lots of them in the Liberty City’s Pork and Bean neighborhood.  The majority of the murders? Gang related.

You know? Maybe it is time we abandon the “Feel-Good-Kumbaya” approach to gang crime and apply maybe some tougher actions. I know, there are plenty of problems, including the people’s refusal to cooperate, but there are innocents being caught in the crossfire and avalanche of stabbings. Maybe we should start by having those government officials who believe in the “Feel-Good-Kumbaya” approach, live in the neighborhoods where killing is free and “democratic.”


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “London and Liberty City (Miami): The unmentioned issue inside the violence.”
  1. It like the “opioid epidemic” up here in Maine, and everywhere. And the meth prob. They had some hack on the radio today yappin about the laws that make buyin alergy medicine like buying a gun.. typical liberal reaction- punish EVERYONE for the actions of few. my idea to fix this? Life in prison for making,dealing,possession of opioids and meth FIRST offense. Someone dies? Death penalty within 1 month. No long drawn out trials or appeals. Same with “mass shootings”- death penalty and get the hell rid of gun free zones, except THIS one of course.

  2. You know? Maybe it is time we abandon the “Feel-Good-Kumbaya” approach to gang crime and apply maybe some tougher actions.

    Fantastic idea! That might just do the trick … in America.

    In The Place Where Great Britain Used to Be … not so much. Why?

    The youths, from Tottenham and Wood Green, are being fuelled by social media, racial equality campaigner Stafford Scott said.

    It’s not the youths that are the problem, since we all know every one of them is a sainted choir boy.

    It can’t be the guns or the knives, either; those are already so tightly controlled, the only next step is to make possession of a plastic spork a capital offense.

    It must be the social media that’s causing this violence. There is simply too much personal freedom and too much intercommunication between the Devil’s Servers and the choir boys.

    What’s the over-under that London — and The Place Where Great Britain Used to Be in general — starts to crack down on social media and block those sites from being accessible from within the city or country…

    … you know, like good bastions of personal freedom like China and North Korea do….

  3. In Chicago the gangs get to approve political candidates. They run the city — which is why gun control and “prison reform” are such big deals there.

  4. Is there any reason to worry about gang crime when the victims are gang members? “Think of it as evolution in action” as Larry Niven said so memorably decades ago.
    If innocent bystanders suffer, that’s a different matter. But in the case of “turf wars”, the logical response is to get out of the way.

    1. Unfortunately the assholes in Liberty City are not very good shots. I am all for grabbing the lot of them, locking them inside Dolphin Stadium toss some melee weapons and tell them they are now under the rules of Thunderdome.

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