Black Lives Matter Chicago organized the rally after overnight unrest throughout the city, with police saying that more than 100 individuals were taken into custody for a variety of offenses, including looting.

“That is reparations,” Atkins said. “Anything they wanted to take, they can take it because these businesses have insurance.”

Black Lives Matter Holds Rally Supporting Individuals Arrested in Chicago Looting Monday

It is now officially a competition to see who can come up with the most outlandish concept and pass it as a serious socio-political grievance.
“Now looky here little Pissed Off Black Girl. The world is not set the way you think is but very much so differently. Yes, these stores probably have insurance, but long before your grandparents were even conceived, insurance companies established that losses by mobs/riots are not covered by the policy. So, your shitty attempt at justification is a flat and disappointing as your front end.”

The only redeeming thing Baby Che said was dissing the shit out of Jesse Jackson’s protestations that looting was immoral. Knowing the reverend’s past history, he is afraid he won’t be able to morally strong-arm the looted businesses into racial shame.

In the meantime, the Mayor of Chicago, Mrs. Beetlejuice keep blaming everything on Trump and the lack stricter of Gun Control.

Hat Tip Steve T

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Lootings is Reparation?”
  1. A lot of white faces holding up that (professionally printed) banner. I wonder what part of Africa their ancestors were from, and which plantations they were enslaved on.

    1. Likely from northern Africa. The majority of the people there are pretty light skinned. More like Italians or Greeks than your stereotypical “African American.”

      The plantation they were enslaved on is called University. They probably have tens of thousands of dollars of student loan debt, and will have to give away thousands of hours of their lives to pay it back. (After all, slavery is forcing someone to work without allowing them to benefit from their labor.)

      1. Given that most of them probably majored in worthless (at best) majors, chances are they will never have a job that pays enough to let them discharge their debt. This of course explains why they like Bernie and his “abolish all student debt” scam. And it explains why they have time to riot — nothing else going on in their lives, and nothing likely ever to do so in the future.

  2. Three or four hundred thousand union soldiers died to free the slaves in this country. Notably, blacks also served in military during the civil war. Something like 1 in 10 union casualties were black men, and 9 of the 10 were white men.

  3. They have gotten there reperations for decades…

    I want my Reperations for the insane amount of welfare the gov’t has given these slackers, junkies and thugs.

    I will not be denied.

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