An “arrogant and remorseless” machete attacker who left a police officer with skull fractures and deep gashes to the head has been sentenced to 16 years in prison.

Handyman Muhammad Rodwan, 56, struck PC Stuart Outten over the head with a 2ft blade after being pulled over in Leyton, east London, last August.

He must serve at least two-thirds of his sentence and will be freed only when the Parole Board considers him safe. He will serve a further three years on extended licence

Muhammad Rodwan: ‘Arrogant’ machete attacker who slashed PC jailed for 16 years .

OK, I shall eat crow with pleasure even though I believe 11 years is not enough for the attack he made.  And look at that thing and do not forget that the weapons charge was dropped because it was a “tool for gardening” but a guy with a potato peeler got arrested.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Machete attacker that almost killed London Bobby sentenced to 16 years.”
  1. Betcha 5 bucks he’ll be out in 1/4th of that time (or earlier) since he’s from the EU’s favored “religion of peace,” and that he’ll go aloha-snackbar again in record time.


  2. Obviously, it’s a gardening tool and not a weapon; it has a rounded tip. If it was pointy, like the other guy’s potato peeler apparently was, you could hurt someone with it. That’s why I rounded off the tip on my ice pick. Now I can’t get offed like the people in the movies if an attacker takes it away from me.

  3. It was his third one. I think that was what did it. Clearly for his first two he was given a slap on the wrist.

  4. I read somewhere else that the asshole’s lawyer (or maybe the asshole’s asshole lawyer) is saying the cop he attacked should be charged with excessive force for tasing the asshole while he (the asshole) was attacking him (the cop).
    Every time you think you’ve seen the bottom, someone digs deeper.

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