On the day of the National Student Walkout, kids in Chicago protesting for gun control trashed a Wal-Mart.


Now the march starts to make sense. 

If I were a little hoodlum, skipping school to destroy private property and terrorize innocent shoppers, I’d want gun control too.  I’d hate to get shot by a law abiding citizen while on my truant rampage.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Makes sense – Chicago edition”
  1. Little know is the fact that students from the same Miami Gardens High School that Travon Martin attended also organized a walkout with the blessing of the school authorities. It was on a Friday noon IIRC and after a couple of blocks, they got into a mom & pop grocery store and proceeded to loot it.

  2. But these poor yuutes didntdonuffin! Trump and the e-veil NRA used clones with rapid-fire clippazines to trash the stores!! OMG!1!!!!!!!


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