I am still mulling Michael Bane’s latest podcast about the 800 pound gorilla that is the situation with Connecticut. One of the things that I concur with him is that there is a lot of folks on the sidelines cheering for the mass arrests and/or killing of Gun Owners and that is not a healthy thing for a country.

Of course, their talk is propelled by the fact they think they are above any consequence if things go south.  They are not the ones that will be on either side of the door being kicked down so they think they are safe. They love to have some “morcilla” (blood sausage) but they do not want to dirty their pretty hands mixing the ingredients or cranking the grinder.

If you Google “why are anti gunners so violent” you get almost 7 million hits. From demanding that bounties be put on our heads to the death of our families to send us to camps to summary executions and all the gamut in between is fair play according to those pushing for the final solution to Gun Control. And I am not talking some two-bit hipster posting a raving reply while having a croissant at the local Panera, but heads of organized Gun Control organizations. In a world where somebody on our side gets tagged as dangerous and terrorist by the Southern Poverty Law Center if we tell anybody Molon Labe, the same rules apparently do not apply to those who are on the side of fewer Rights for the individual and they can get away with wishing us to re-education camps.

I fear that if it comes to showdown, the casualty list will reach far beyond those on either side of the door.  There is a stack of bills long overdue and only the smallest amount of reason is holding the collection services. And trying to hide behind the First Amendment will have the same power as giving the Nuremberg Defense: remember, Tokio Rose paid the piper. Aiding and abetting the extermination of your fellow citizens will not be easily swept under the rug.

And my brain keeps coming back to this scene from Band of Brothers “Why we fight.”

why we fight

Webster: Shut up you Nazi fuck!
Baker: (in German) I’m not a Nazi!
Webster: Not a Nazi, sorry my mistake you fat fucking prick, what about a human being? Are you one of those? Or are you going to tell me you’ve never smelled the fucking stench!

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

16 thoughts on ““Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.””
  1. “I fear that if it comes to showdown, the casualty list will reach far beyond those on either side of the door. There is a stack of bills long overdue and only the smallest amount of reason is holding the collection services.”

    What I believe, after the first shot is fired and the first blood is spilled, all of these politicians and gun haters are going to find their names on a lot of lists. It won’t be pretty either. Joe gun owner just had his house raided. He was not there. A family member was killed in the confusion. Joe the now pissed off gun owner goes tot he local politicians house with a Molotov cocktail and lights it up. He proceeds to shoot everyone that runs out.

    It’s easy for some to say, let’s get it on. But how many of these cheerleaders really want something like the above? I have the skills I learned in the Marines, that doesn’t mean I want to use them. I will if I have to, I will do what ever I need to do to keep the family safe, at least as safe as I can keep them.

    What I really want to see in Conn. is for the politicians to admit they were wrong and back down, repealing the Unconstitutional and unenforceable law. Of course the chances of that happening are rather slim. Politicians do not like to admit they were wrong. When each of these politicians is up for re-election, they should all be voted out of office and the people like “I’m the Master” Vance and Lawlor (sp) should be fired. Never to hold a government job again.

    1. Let’s pray someone come up with a way for them to repeal the law AND save face. Their hearts are in the right place. Problem is, that’s what they are listening to, rather than the brains God also gave them.

    2. When things like that get started, it is almost impossible to stop them till they live its natural life.
      There is one proverb in Gaelic that mouthy Gun Control activists should heed:

      Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde.
      “Beware of the anger of a patient man.”

      And by God, we have been very frigging patient.

  2. “Of course, their talk is propelled by the fact they think they are above any consequence if things go south. They are not the ones that will be on either side of the door being kicked down so they think they are safe.”

    They are delusional if they think they will just be able to say “We have no guns” and the Thugs will say “OK, thank you” and leave.

    Michael Bane also discussed John Ross’ novel Unintended Consequences. Sounds like a must to read.


    1. This is why I had this idea. Since the politicians names and addresses have been published in multiple places, groups of 4 or 5 gun owners should get together in each district, go to their politicians home (unarmed) and knock on the door. Just a friendly visit to say “Hi” and we know where you live. Put the fear that God gave us into them and see some results.

      Of course a lot of them are demanding “protection”. If I was the CLEO in their AO, I’d tell them no, you made your bed, you lie in it. Why should a copper (that might agree with the gun owners) be put in harms way because politicians don’t have the sense to pour piss out of a boot?

      1. Just offer “Gun Free Home” signs for their yards, free delivery and installation.

    2. Unintended Consequences is out of print. I found a PDF version on line a couple years ago. If you haven’t read it, you should. If all else fails, email me and I will send you the file. Just add @mchsi.com to my user name.

      1. Robert, there are softcover editions (not many) available in Amazon for under $40. I got one recently to give my battered hardcover a well deserved rest.

  3. These amongst other things, anti-gunners suffer from a severe lack of self awareness.

    I own guns because my ancestors were taken to concentration camps and killed by government officials. Threatening to do the same to me only justifies my owning guns. They say we need to be “reeducated” and I oil and function check my guns. They double down and say we need to be dragged from our beds by SWAT teams and shot, and I order a case of .223.

  4. Great article, but the Tokyo Rose example isn’t the best one to use. She was actually innocent of the charges against her, used her position to send hidden encouragement to Allied Forces, and risked her life to bring small measures of aid and comfort to Allied POWs being held by the Japanese. The full story has only been known for a few years now, and you can read about it here:


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