By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Mass Killing in Waukesha, WI.”
  1. Pray.

    Pray for the people of Waukesha.

    Lots of Children were injured. Early reports say 11 Adults and 12 Children, plus an unknown number of dead, plus possibly some children taken directly to the hospital by their parents?

    The video I saw showed a band member with a bass drum hit in the back, then the video is all blurred out. I think the SUV was going at speed. Definitely over 20 mph.

    Information, maybe right or wrong: The driver is in custody. Were there 2 others in the SUV? Witnesses said the driver was firing out his window. Police Chief said, “Nah, It was one of my officers firing AT the SUV.” Driver ID’d and sounds like a career criminal, maybe a sex offender too?

    Libs were claiming this “was obviously” Whitey Sumpremacy. Police scanners said Black Man with Dreads.

    I expect the Feds are going to try like hell to tamp this down.

  2. I don’t expect much from the Authorities in Greater Milwaukee. They let this moke off with a trivial bail. After all, he only ran over several dozen people and a lot of them were rather small. He was probably having some kind of mental “crisis”. He must have been upset about something.

    The Rittenhouse trial and judge must have been a real fluke. One officer in Waukesha seems to have gotten off a shot but by and large they don’t seem to give a damn about theiir people getting murdered. Sounds like a real Democratic Hell-hole.

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