The new narrative used in attacking Governor DeSantis is that he failed to call for an evacuation of Lee County until it was too late.

DeSantis has pushed back saying that the projections at the time didn’t show Lee County in the strike path of the danger zone of the hurricane until 21 hours before landfall.  At which point he told Lee County to evacuate.

DeSantis is correct about the timeline of the storm and evacuation orders, but the Leftist media has to do their thing and destroy him anyway.

The worst of these types are fact checkers, especially the assholes over at Politifact.


Most of Lee County was outside the cone of prediction, including most of Lee County’s population.  But a small, sparsely populated island hanging off the corner of the County pit into the gulf was in the path, therefore Lee County was ackchyually in the path of the hurricane and do DeSantis was mostly wrong and completely evil.

This is such mendacious bullshit.

The purpose isn’t to fact check DeSantis, the purpose is to destroy DeSantis with hacks operating under the cover of impartial fact checkers.


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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Media fact checkers are the biggest liars”
  1. Problem is that its not working. Republicans are refusing to talk to liberal media, especially in Florida. Was listening to Mark Kaye and he said republicans were limiting who in media they let into a rally. We have a long way to go but Americans are waking up

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