I truthfully did not see this one coming.

This is a left-handed admission not only that Trump is winning in the county but it is also a catastrophic flip for the Democrats.   In the last presidential election, Hillary Clinton won the county with 65% of the votes.

But wait, it gets worse than that if you check other elections. The last Republican running for president who won in Miami-Dade county was George Bush Senior in the 1,988 elections.  For those with Math Problems derived from the White Supremacy Construct, that was 22 32 years ago. That is one full generation of voters that were not even born when the county actually shared its majority of votes with the GOP.

If Miami-Dade County goes red or even slightly blue, the Democrats may kiss Florida goodbye.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “Miami Dade County: I did not know it was this bad for Biden.”
  1. Um, 1988 was 32 years ago, not 22. An easy way to check electoral math is that presidential elections are four years apart, so 22 can’t be correct (not divisible by 4).

    1. Well, since 22 = 2 + 2 (self-evidently) and 2 + 2 = 4 (sometimes 5, but for now I want it to be 4), clearly 4 has to be able to go into 22 somehow… or at the very least 22 = 4 so there we are.

      (hopefully I don’t need a sarc tag for this one…)

  2. If this keeps up, no amount of cheating will push Biden into the White House.

    You start having district ‘returns’ over 100 percent and people are going to ask questions. The Dems would be better off eating the loss, concentrating on holding onto the House (and making gains in the Senate, if they can) and letting Biden fail.

  3. You didn’t know it was that bad for Biden because it isn’t. A simple Google search could tell you that but then, you know, it wouldn’t match your narrative.

    “…Biden leads Trump by a 21-point margin in Miami-Dade County, 58%-37%.

    Among Hispanic voters, Biden leads by 10 percentage points. That’s lower than his lead overall, but contrasts results from a Miami Herald/Bendixen & Amandi International poll that showed Biden and Trump running almost even among Hispanics.”


    1. Granted, the right has echo chambers just as much as the left.

      In this particular case, however, recent historical precedent suggests the polls’ reported numbers can differ significantly from the election results.

  4. They don’t have to worry, they have plenty of Dead people they are harvesting ballots from and fabricated ballots to more than make up the difference.

    1. The democrats need to harvest HUGE in Dade to flip over the election. Look at the numbers with Hillary winning the county: She was up over 300,000 and they still lost Florida by 125,000+
      Basically they would need to come up with almost what? 300K 400K extra votes in one county alone? That would ring bells till kingdom come.

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