I got this political mailer yesterday:
Even though I don’t chug local news other than headlines, I had not heard about this case which is weird for two reasons: 1) It would have been published to death in the Miami Herald or the Sun Sentinel, and I had not seen a peep. 2) The Hispanics on this side of the Mississippi still have a basic repulsion to use relatives for political purposes, specially if you so blatantly use the Race Card.
From the gentleman’s obituary in the Arizona Central:

Mark, like so many others, should not have died from COVID-19. His death is due to the carelessness of the politicians who continue to jeopardize the health of brown bodies through a clear lack of leadership, refusal to acknowledge the severity of this crisis, and inability and unwillingness to give clear and decisive direction on how to minimize risk
Am i saying that the daughter would be callous enough to use the sad death of her father for political stuff? Oh hell yes! You have seen the posts by J.Kb where Liberals are cutting off their families and ready to divorce their mates because they support Trump. And we as gun owners are damn tired to see a few relatives of Mass Murder victims knowingly use the Bloody Shirt technique while they are wooed by Moms Demand or Bray.
I think this is more about the political ego of the daughter than actual caring of the death of her father, why? Here is the other side of that ad.
What is missing from this mailer? Her dad’s face. You have seen it because I found it in the obituary and posted it.
But we have two nice professional pictures of her. How about that?
Yeah, I just don’t see the caring she wants us to believe she had. I might be wrong, but the mailer simply does not show it.
As always, their inability to see the irony in what they’re saying makes my head spin.
The only thing the president can do, constitutionally, to the 50 states in this case is advise. If he did what they seem to advocate, it would be tyranny. They’re calling him a fascist and a NAZI for not being a fascist or a NAZI. You can nitpick their arguments for hours, but the bottom line is that he was in tight agreement with Fauci, Dr. Scarf Lady, and the CDC. He followed their recommendations but has no authority to quarantine everyone in all 50 states. Nobody has that authority.
Why, oh, why, did not Traitorous Bad Orange Man halt incoming flights from China?
Why, oh, why, did Traitorous Bad Orange Man brew up Da WuFlu, in his bathroom, and spread it all NY state, particularly NY nursing homes?
Why, oh, why, did not Traitorous Bad Orange Man form a )oh, I dunno….) a Task Force, to coordinate response to this plague?
Probably because Bad Orange Man (that nazi!) HATES! Grandma!
Wait!? What?!?? The Bad Orange Man did none of these bad things?
(never mind!)
Cretinous political spam like this goes directly to the trash bin. No not pass go, do not collect $200.
I do have to get content…LOL
What would a toddler do to get their “point” across? Yep, go with shocking. In their world, it is the equivalent of clever.
And… I will bet every dollar in my wallet that her Dad have underlying medical conditions that led to his death. I refuse to believe he was one of the 6% that had no contributing conditions.
… and he probably voted R while he was alive, but, now that he’s deceased, he’ll almost certainly vote D.
That’s what makes it worse. The guy sounds like he was a Republican, so his daughter spits in his face and uses him in an ad to try and get the Democrats he despised elected into office the moment he’s gone. Out of respect for her dear parent, of course.
Maybe consider that he would have been very unwilling to help Joe Biden when he was alive and NOT use him to attack Donald Trump, make him into a spokesperson for the DNC while his body is still warm? And what’s worse is that in spite of all their mealy mouthed bullshit they manage to make HER the focus of sympathy and attention. Her dad died, so vote for her sake! Don’t worry about HIM, she’s the real victim!
There was no picture on the political mailing because the obit picture clearly shows he was overweight.
That’s one underlying condition and since obesity is a causative factor in arterial diseases, I’d bet he had some amount of that too.
That’s a second one besides him being 65 years old, which puts him in a higher percentage death rate as recently released.
And from the innerwebz, we find that Ms Urquiza is a properly indoctrinated leftist proggie political hack
Kristin Urquiza | HuffPost
Kristin Urquiza is an activist and advocate. After her Dad died from COVID she co-founded Marked by COVID. She also works to protect tropical rainforests as Deputy Director at Mighty Earth. She is a graduate of Yale University and UC Berkeley’s Goldman School of Public Policy
“Marked by COVID”? She does realize it’s just a freaking virus, right? It’s not the mark of Cain.
And, man, has she done fuck-all with her life. How much of daddy’s money did she spend at Yale and Berkeley majoring in being a jerk?