I have to say I have not been giving my local bird poop catcher enough attention and they show it. Yesterday’s editorial sound more like the complaints of a defeated ex-girlfriend  when she sees you with your beautiful wife walking down the street.

Our advice is cynical, but justifiably so. For long too long, the coronavirus pandemic has been one long trust exercise, one in which just about everyone Floridians looked to for guidance and leadership failed to have our backs.

The Editorial board keeps pushing this narrative because they feel sure it will stick. And it will do so as long as Governor DeSantis is busy dealing with the urgent problems of the state, but I have the feeling that once he gets a chance, the Media won’t be happy with what he has to say.

Rather, residents, workers and businesses bear an even greater responsibility to protect themselves and others around them now that lockdown has ended. Any failure to follow and enforce the county’s well-vetted guidelines means an increase in coronavirus cases, exactly the wrong direction in which to go.

Yes, the Herald wants you to be a Karen. And I bet you anything they will hit us with deep inside pieces of “investigative journalism” showing locales where they found tables separated only 5 feet 11 inches which will guarantee the return of the Black Plague for Miami Dade.  It is the Ex Girlfriend telling anybody your newly acquired wife is a whore and will step out on you before the month is over out of pure spite.

One question for the Miami Herald: Aren’t you guys due for another round of permanent vacations for the newsroom? Inquiring minds want to know.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Miami Herald: We are opening in a failed COVID-19 state so be a Karen.”
  1. Note that the Herald is demanding effort from others on this (both from Karens and from authorities) while putting out essentially zero effort themselves on the matter. Words are cheap.

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