Michael Douglas is joining the Bradys on their “Light a (fake) Candle” initiative. Some enterprising soul did a job on the advertising photo. 🙂

Go over Joe Huffman’s blog to read the follies behind this latest Brady Kumbayaa-feel-good-do-nothing approach. So far, they only have 28 locations confirmed to do the vigil, falling pitifully short of the “Across America” fanfare.

I did notice something looking at the original photo:
“To honor Americans lost to Gun Violence”? Wait, one second, isn’t that racist? Only Americans? Brady does not care for people with Green Cards? How about Illegal Aliens? Did Sarah Brady just went David Duke on us? Is it OK for criminal to gun down tourists from Canada or Brazil?

I am so shocked!

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

48 thoughts on “Michael Douglas & Brady.”
  1. I like the new version. It says it all, toomanyidiots.org. Of course we all know Douglas is part of the Hollywood liberal idiot pisswit trash. I wonder if he has armed guards, hypocrite. His wife is a hottie though.

  2. Why is it that you gunners get your panties in a bunch whenever someone points out that guns kills people? I mean, that’s why you patriots want your weapons – just in case you need to fend off that tyrannical government from whose teat you currently nurse. You need weapons that can kill when government troops storm your compound, right?

    Man the hell up! None of you law-abiding patriots have ever actually had one of your fetish toys rounded up by the black helicopters, so stop your paranoid hysterics. Keep your guns, as long as you don’t do anything stupid with them – just stop whining on cue from your gun lobby overlords, sheep.

    1. Why is it that you gunners get your panties in a bunch whenever someone points out that guns kills people?
      Why Glenda! Because it is a lie! Inanimate objects do not suddenly come to life and attack people. So, if you say that guns kill people, you are either lying or believe in sorcery and black magic. We tend to be pretty realistic people ourselves.

      I mean, that’s why you patriots want your weapons – just in case you need to fend off that tyrannical government from whose teat you currently nurse.
      I think you have us confused with the Occupy Wall Street crowd. I work and pay taxes that go into that teat you mention and which ticks me off to no avail. I see the same morons in DC that are trying to take away my Second Amendment rights doling out mine and other taxpayer’s money and create a generation of beggars that expect the Government to provide from cradle to grave.

      You need weapons that can kill when government troops storm your compound, right?
      As soon as I can build me a compound, I’ll let you know. Right now I am still paying for my regular 3 bedroom 2 bathroom, hurricane reinforced house. Incidentally, with the hurricane panels up, it is a great Zombie Proof stronghold.

      Man the hell up! None of you law-abiding patriots have ever actually had one of your fetish toys rounded up by the black helicopters,

      I’d have to say that using helicopters to collect weapons is a very inefficient way to do business. Pick up trucks are more effective and have larger weight capacity, lower maintenance cost and does not require special training to operate.

      so stop your paranoid hysterics

      Pot to Kettle: Roger that!

      Keep your guns,
      I would have said thank you, but you do not get to dictate my gun ownership. It would be like telling you to shut the hell up.

      as long as you don’t do anything stupid with them
      Like surrendering them? Not a chance.

      just stop whining on cue from your gun lobby overlords,
      Says the side that is fully funded by the Joyce Foundation?

      With very sharp teeth, mind you.

      Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.

      1. You know, Miquel, you could have boiled your response down to just two words:

        (“Even though no one has ever actually tried to take my guns, I’m still afraid, boo hoo, so don’t talk about people who have actually had their lives taken, sob, sob”)


        (“Guns don’t kill people, people kill people, baaa, bleet” “Congress is trying to rob me of my Second Amendment rights, baaa, bleet” “Feed me more rhetoric, gun lobby”)

        If you were nearly as “sharp” as you think you are, you’d be dangerous – with or without your fetish pieces. How about loading your brain with an original thought.

        1. Whoa, that was a pitiful comeback.
          No wonder we are winning.

          Listen, do yourself a favor and learn about guns first before continuing with this chat.

          You may want to try this place http://www.iftnra.com/
          They offer Ladies Only classes and I am sure you will benefit enormously from the knowledge you may acquire.

          1. I sit back, and am amused at Ms. Back’s utter sheeple response. “GUNS R BAD U R NOT KEWL I TREAT YOU AS EEEEEEEEEVVVVVIIILLLLL”

            I’ve seen better comebacks from 12 years olds online when they eat a .308 round to the face in a game.

          2. Man, I needed a good laugh this morning…..

            “Even though no one has ever actually tried to take my guns, I’m still afraid, boo hoo, so don’t talk about people who have actually had their lives taken, sob, sob”

            America circa 1776, Canada, Australia, Vietnam, UK, Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, Regular Russia. All examples of Government taking (or attempting to take) away firearms from citizens.

      1. “Brady Bitch?” So eloquent. Got you all riled up, huh?

        Seriously, I love guns. I’m polishing one right now.

    1. Rick, seriously? You only care for the shooting of Americans? Screw other nationalities? Specially in South Florida?
      And I am the Cracker?

      How is your readership going to react when they find out you do not give two damns if Cubans or Haitians or any other foreign minority are mowed down by criminals?

      Stay classy and go back to your wine and cheese party reviews, Rick.

      Incidentally, there is no candlelight vigil for Tucson… or anywhere in Arizona for that matter. I guess Brady are not as mainstream as they want everybody to think.

      1. “Incidentally, there is no candlelight vigil for Tucson…”

        Do a little research, sharp sheep. There are several vigils and other events planned in Tucson on January 8.

          1. Not every vigil and remembrance is sponsored by Brady, genius. Aren’t you supposed to be some kind of web whiz? Try checking Tucson-area newspapers and calendar-of-events sites… unless, of course, you’re afraid of the facts getting in your way of you sheepish rants. For all of your gun-love you seem pitifully unarmed.

            1. Not every vigil and remembrance is sponsored by Brady, genius

              You do realize this post is about the racist vigils sponsored by Brady, right? It was plainly stated from the get-go.

              If your reading comprehension is faulty, there is nothing much I can do.

  3. LOL! Your compassion for all of mankind is touching, Miguel.

    But I guess even a blind sheep finds grass because you’re right about one thing: I should have comprehended that this was just an aimless attack on Brady rather than anything that would actually be burdened by facts.

    Bravo, sharp sheep! Ask your gun lobby shepherds to give you a little extra grazing time on the lawn.

    1. Well, the pastures on your side of the fence must be regularly filled with squares of pregrown grass, we on this side have to work hard for ours.

      1. Golly gee… gun-totin’ hard-working, tax-paying, all-of-mankind-lovin’ and docile as a sheep.

        Are you single?

        1. Why yes, but I’m unwilling to take up a relationship where I have to work hard to take care of a sheeple like you.

  4. How about us poor Filipinos? We’ve been killed by the thousands by Spanish and Americans and then by the Japanese. Where’s our fake candle nondenominational vigil? I mean, we’ve been turned into guinea pigs as proof that .38 is no manstopper!

    I demand recognition!!!!!111oneoneone

    1. Not to worry. I think Miquel might be convinced to pull something together. He is soooo concerned about all of mankind. LOL

    2. “I mean, we’ve been turned into guinea pigs as proof that .38 is no manstopper!”

      Dude, that’s hilarious. Not that I expect the anti-gun whiners to understand what you mean.

      1. Yeah I realized now only pro-gunners understood that.

        Off topic: I realized Tales of the Gun isn’t being shown anywhere now. Maybe the opening narration was grinding on the leftist sheeple.

  5. Miquel, this post has nothing to do with race or your concern about anyone’s needless death not being recognized. Rather it’s all about your ideologically warped thinking that makes you offended by the fact that a U.S. Congresswoman and other innocent fellow Americans are being remembered after being killed or seriously wounded by a deranged gunman.

    You can’t stand to hear that guns are misused and can cause needless deaths when abused. The reality, however, is that they are and it’s a real problem in this country.

    Complain that the Brady campaign might be using these vigils to further their efforts. Complain that current gun laws aren’t being enforced aggressively enough. But to make this a racial issue is moronic and it makes you look look rather silly, to say the least.


    1. Dear Rick:
      Why I cannot stand is the fact that The Bradys and the rest of the Anti Rights movement sold you and everybody else a fake bill of goods. For over 30 years they swore up and down that Gun Control would solve all the crime problems but it didn’t. They promised to legislate Evil and Madness out of existence and could not deliver.
      We asked to be left alone, to allow ourselves the opportunity for defense and they laughed and called us crazy. Then we fought and clawed for the simple and basic right to have the proper tools as recognized in our Constitution. When we finally did and the crime actually started to go down, they went into a crazy spin and have not recovered.
      You choose not to defend yourself? Fine, do so. But you do not dare tell me or force me not to defend myself and my loved ones. By doing so, you become accomplice before and after the fact of any crime that could have been prevented.
      Not one single Gun Control law has avoided a killing like Tucson; yet armed individuals have prevented similar attempts.

      1. So write that, which actually makes some sense whether or not I agree with it, instead of introducing race into it.

        And while you’re at it, making everyone who supports the responsible ownership of firearms into a Brady supporter or a liberal or a whiner moves you and your discussion into the realm of extremism and totally dilutes whatever reasonable arguments and points [like those above] into irrelevance.

        You can be an advocate for your 2nd Amendment rights and responsible gun ownership without being a gun nut.


        1. Sorry, it was Brady who introduced immigration status. You are bringing up race.

          Now, define for all of us “responsible ownership of firearms.”

          Also define the insensitive term “gun nut.”

          1. “Sorry, it was Brady who introduced immigration status. You are bringing up race.”

            Oh, for Christ sakes, Miguel. I tried. I really did.

            Dude, keep it up. It makes for great linkage material at SFDB.


        2. You can be an advocate for your 2nd Amendment rights and responsible gun ownership without being a gun nut.

          No, really you can’t. If we took the approach which would be more acceptable to you, we’d “common sense” our way into British style disarmament. Being a gun nut is the only way to stave off your “moderate” proposals, which we all know are only a means to an end.

      1. Miguel,
        you’ve got only yourself to blame for the timing my friend. You did post this on Christmas Eve. *shrug* Or maybe you thought they’d be too busy doing last minute shopping?

  6. What’s really sad about these people is that they are convinced that by holding a (fake) candlelight vigil that they are actually accomplishing something.

    Here’s what’s really happening. In the modern world, we exalt victims. We act like victims have some sort of super status. The Left has taught us that the world is split between victims and those who persecute those victims. Since none of the anti-gun whiners is actually a victim, they hold “vigils” for the actual victims as a way to make themselves into a sort of associate victim.

    This vigil is really the politics of a bunch of hate filled people trying to cloak themselves in the mantle of victim status so that they can oppress others by taking away their Constitutional rights. The fact that most of the murders in this country are directly attributable to drugs and drug gangs doesn’t seem to matter to these people. They find one or two “worthy” victims, ignore the drug violence that fuels the majority of murder, and try to attack you and me.

  7. The only thing I would say to those who naively, self-centeredly, and incorrectly believe that lighting a candle will convince predatory people to stop being predatory has already been said by Mr. John Green, who lost his daughter, Christina, to the murderer in Tucson:

    Well, there’s always been something special about Christina and, you know, the way she came into the world, on 9/11 and the way she left the world yesterday is obviously one that everybody else will remember. We’re going to remember her for the nine years that we had her, and she was a beautiful, vibrant, young girl. It shouldn’t happen in this country or anywhere else. but, you know, it’s a free society, we’re going to be subject to people like this, so I prefer this to the alternative.

    Me too, John. Me too.

    1. It’s amazing, well I guess not, that none of the blood dancers ever mention this when they are dragging this young girls name into the citizen disarmament propaganda. This man in the midst of pain that most people can fortunately only imagine, understands that in a free society evil things happen to random people. where as in a socialist utopia, the pain is much more wide spread. I heard an interview with this man shortly after the incident where the interviewer asked what he thought his daughter would have said about those demanding citizen disarmament. And the look on the interviewers face was priceless as he said that his daughter would not have wanted anyone’s rights restricted. Obviously not the answer she was expecting, or hoping for. She was hoping, I’m sure for another citizen disarmament sound bite, so glad she didn’t get one.

  8. HAHAHA! I just posted this link on the Opposing Views site of the brady bunch’s announcement of this “vigil”. I don’t know if the brady’s have the ability to remove comments from there, but I guess I’ll find out. They have already removed every other truthful comment I’ve left on any other medium. Of course we all know, or at least most of us know that the brady’s and truth can rarely, if ever be uttered in the same sentence. Here is the link for anyone else that would like to comment.


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