Cellphone video of the UPS truck being taken from the scene.

You can see it shot all to shit.


Active shooter at a school?

Run like a chicken shit and hide.

Low-speed box-truck chase down a major highway full of civilians?

Shootout like it’s the Second Battle of Fallujah.

South Florida PD really covering themselves in glory yesterday.

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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “Miramar UPS shootout – Pt 2”
  1. Holy Hell, what kinds of cops do you have in Florida? It is like it is opposite day down there when it comes to police training/responses. What the hell were the even shooting at? Just the truck itself (that the presumably knew contained a hostage)?

    If I were the Florida governor I would *seriously* consider firing ever LEO in the state, and only hire back the ones that can pass a comprehensive test (including T/F questions like “I should mag dump into a vehicles that contains a hostage in the off chance I might hit the bad guy.” and “Mass shootings are most effectively stopped by engaging the perpetrator.”).

    1. As anywhere else, most Florida cops do not practice nor learn outside what the department taught them. I know some MDPD that were IDPA competitors and took training every time they could and are great shooters… their buddies? … yikes

  2. Aluminum is hard to get stains out. Sad day for the gunshine state guy. Im surprised they didnt cover it up

    1. Participation trophy policing, like the the guy a few years ago jumping up and down so he could randomly shoot over the three rows of police in front of him. The only thing likely to reduce this is some blue on blue deaths from officers shot in the back by their trigger happy brethren, since they obviously don’t care about anyone else.

      1. ‘The only thing likely to reduce this is some blue on blue deaths from officers shot in the back by their trigger happy brethren, since they obviously don’t care about anyone else’

        You are most probably right. Lawsuits for harm to civilians will not matter:

        please correct me if somebody knows better, but as far as I understand, police officers are immune in whatever they do, unless:

        1) There exist some laws and/or regulations explicitly prohibiting them from

        A) using civilian vehicles with civilians in them as a shield from gunfire

        B) firing at the vehicle with a civilian hostage in it

        2) It can be proven, that these particular police officers knew about these very specific regulations.

        Otherwise, they will continue on their merry way unscathed.

  3. In hindsite- UPS trucks have gps tracking in them. The truck and the hand held scanner. Nuff said ti the facts they wanta tell us come out

    1. My buddy and I were discussing this from the very beginning. Why chase the UPS truck? They could have gotten UPS to give them the GPS coordinates and just followed it from a safe distance for a long time.

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