MDA no protect


I am sending this to every law enforcement department in the nation and to the Defense Department too. We’ve been doing it wrong all this time!

In a month’s time, every cop in the nation will be carrying a rubber ducky instead of a sidearm. “Stop or I’ll squeak!” will be the new call to arms…wait, not arms… oh hell, never mind.

As much as it gives me a headache, it is nice to see them drown in their own fallacies.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on “Moms Demand Action: Stupid Level = Nuclear.”
  1. Umm well ‘mons’ maybe we just ought to make robbing andraping and such lillegal, then we wouldn’t need any of the pesky evil guns. Oh wai, those activities a are already illegal………….

  2. now if only they’d drown and stay deceased. you would think Darwin would be quicker to handsomely reward such abject stupidity. alas he’s fallen down on the job for the last couple decades

  3. OK, sure. Let’s see their data on how many people with guns were robbed and raped vs how many people WITHOUT guns were robbed and raped.

  4. They are right. Guns don’t protect me in the same way that guns don’t murder people. I protect myself by use of several tools, and one tool happens to be a firearm. Other tools include situational awareness, locking doors even when I’m home, a knife, among many other things.

    It just so happens a firearm is an extremely effective tool when used to aid in the defense of yourself or others.

  5. In addition, if you read the actual study that the Guardian cites, you will find that it was conducted in the city of Philadelphia, excluded non-residents, police officers, and several other “types” of people.

    Then if found that (emphasis mine):

    “However, compared with control participants, shooting case participants were significantly more often Hispanic, more frequently working in high-risk occupations less educated, and HAD A GREATER FREQUENCY OF PRIOR ARREST. At the time of shooting, case participants were also SIGNIFICANTLY MORE OFTEN INVOLVED WITH ALCOHOL AND DRUGS, outdoors, and closer to areas where more Blacks, Hispanics, and unemployed individuals resided. Case participants were also more likely to be LOCATED IN AREAS WITH less income AND MORE ILLICIT DRUG TRAFFICKING.”

    So in other words, their modified conclusion SHOULD read: On average, guns did not protect those who possessed them from being shot in an assault when the persons had a history of arrest, involved with alcohol or drugs, or lived in areas where drug trafficking is common.

    Basically, if you are a criminal or go do stupid things at stupid times with stupid people, a gun won’t protect you. WELL DUH!

      1. Funny how all their “Scientific Support” was funded with Joyce money, while the pro-gun support is independent.

        They can’t live in reality so they invent their own.

        Also you know my feelings on rubber duckies!

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