The new Larry Correia book in the Monster Hunter International saga comes out this week.

I could go ahead and wax poetically/philosophically/ballistically about it, but this quick summary of the first chapters should give you enough of a hint:


The book is available from Amazon (There was a limited autographed run, I don’t know how many left are there) plus your usual retailers. Barnes and Noble even allows you to order on line and they will hold your copy at your local store for pick up so you don’t have to fight the masses that want a copy or have to deal with the hipster idiots leeching the WiFi while taking 4 hours to drink a latte and much on a tofu cannoli as they discuss the benefits of Schopenhauer’s recipe for molasses and curry to cure Kantian philosophy rickets.

Go git one!

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

18 thoughts on “Monster Hunter Legion coming out this week!”
    1. …then everyone thinks Trip and Tanya the Elf Princess have “hooked up” after a set of comically mistimed accidents…

  1. I just read the first book a few months ago. Good stuff. His Grimnoir Chronicles look like they are really good too, if the short story I read is anything to go by.

    1. Grimnoir is VERY good. Different vein but it is a trip. And get Dead Six also to be completely caught by surprise.
      The Grimnoir audio book narrated by Bronson Pinchot is so good I almost bought the damn thing… and I don’t like audio books.

  2. Okay who here besides Me reads John Ringo. Now how many of those have read Live Free or Die? I only ask becasue this will only make sense if you have read LFoD
    “Goddammit! someone broke into the Canadian Strategic Reserve and have stolen a shit load of Dragon’s Tears! Enough to fill the olympic pool 1 and a half times over or..7.5 MILLION bottles worth. You just can’t trust the Glatun!

        1. Ahhh Dragon’s Tears by the way is Maple Syrup and yes someone DID in fact break into the canadian strategic reserve and steal 7.5 million bottles worth of the stuff. Bastards.

          1. my backlog is so big I haven’t even bought but a couple at the moment. the bitch of it is more keeps coming out of the publishing houses I read every month and adding to the damn backlog! I fear I shall never catch up.

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