Just about a year ago I covered the premiere of a TV Show called Dietland.  The premise of the show is that a bunch of radical feminist vigilantes that go around murdering men who catcall women.  It was celebrated as great feminist entertainment by the entertainment media.

Fast forward to Tuesday and the release of the Captain Marvel DVD.

It has as a feature an extended scene that has… caused some controversy.

Here is the scene:

In response to the criticism of Captain Marvel’s behavior in this scene, the entertainment media rushed to explain why men are shit.

From the AV Club:

This Captain Marvel extended scene allows Carol Danvers to detoxify some masculinity

From The Mary Sue:

Captain Marvel Takes on Toxic Masculinity in New Deleted Scene

I’m not going to defend the biker’s dick behavior.  I was taught to treat women with more respect than that.

But I was also taught “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.”

“Give me a smile darling” does not justify threatening to cripple a man by ripping off his hand or committing grand theft.

I can see no better example of the evils of Social Justice in a deleted scene.

In a civilized world, nobody would cheer on responding to a disrespectful come-on with assault and grand theft.  A micro-aggression does not justify felonious revenge.

Marvel Studios has joined ranks with the producers of Amazon’s show The Power, celebrating a world in which if you give a woman superpowers, she’s going to use it to hurt men for reasons of social justice.

Shit like this is why I’m glad that Leftist feminists are anti-gun.  It probably saves a lot of lives.

Also, if you wonder why I get so irked by this.  I was taught not to disrespect women, but I was also awkward around girls and said dumb things thinking it would make me look cooler.  Life is a series of learning experiences.

“You’re hot, dance with me” sounded a lot more suave in my adolescent 9th-grade freshman dance brain than it does now.

I have a son who is a lot like me.  I worry that pervasiveness of this attitude means that when he has his awkward freshman dance moment, rather than get told no, the girl will believe that she has every right to hurt him, possibly badly, because that is the proper response to “toxic masculinity.”

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “More feminist misandrist violence fantasizing as entertainment”
  1. All over the media, you see complaints and accusations of gun owners being vigilantes and taking the law into their own hands. That, according to them, is wrong. Unless it is a woman, a member of the LGTQABC brigade, or some other minority, who is carrying out the sentence against a hetero white male. Then he deserves all that he gets and everyone cheers.

  2. Marvel Studios has joined ranks with the producers of Amazon’s show The Power, celebrating a world in which if you give a woman superpowers, she’s going to use it to hurt men for reasons of social justice.

    TWISI (the way I see it) Marvel had the sense not to put the scene in the theatrical release version, leaving the scene for the relative handful of DVD buyers. DVDs come with “bloatware” – scenes that didn’t add to the story but allow them to sell the DVD by saying it includes “never before seen” video. It gives them a scene to sell to however you describe that market, maybe sell another dozen copies of the DVD.

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