It makes me feel all warm/fuzzy to think these people could have the power to vote for my free train trip East if it was up to them.

And trust me, if they can vote on it, you will be sent to spend vacation to the nearest Gulag or Human Recycling center.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

16 thoughts on “More RGB’s heartfelt emotions from the Left.”
  1. ’ve never before seen mob-mentality in an individual. Perhaps one of her 120 cats will comfort her.

    My ammo budget just went up. Again.

  2. I overheard someone sobbing about how ‘a personal hero is dead and they won’t even let us mourn before ramming through another nightmarish sycophant. Looks like America is just for the white straight people again.”

    I can’t imagine why ‘white straight people’ wouldn’t give a shit about you, considering the campaigns the left has pushed for the last twenty years blaming them for everything from the price of Twinkies rising to climate change.

    Welcome to the future where power grabs are a thing. It’s the future they chose.

  3. Where is this woman from? She is apparently driving from the wrong side of the car. Is she in the UK?

    Or is there some screen mirroring stuff going on?

  4. If any of the Dems had an opportunity to make the Court 6-3 in their general favor all these pundits and useful idiots would be calling it their “Patriotic Duty” to appoint a new judge before an election.

    1. And they did when Justice Scalia died. They also want to pack the court with three or four liberal judges to make a permanent majority. If Biden wins and the Senate goes blue, they will.

  5. Constitutional Law on Appointing SCOTUS Judges
    (It’s a real clear constitutional standard):

    ‘The president has the constitutional authority to appoint a nominee when’s vacancy arises, and the Senate has the constitutional authority to confirm or block that nominee (with or without an up-or-down vote).

    Simple. The constitutional law governing all Supreme Court vacancies.
    There’s nothing in there about elections, feelz, the color of Donald Trump’s tan, nothing about the will of The Deplorable’s comes before any political parties corrupt criminal interests, or red diaper babies having a temper tantrum because they need their ninny bottle and have a stinky in their diapers.
    Or think only “they” have the “right” to choose who is appointed. Because woke or something.

    Gee, there’s that double standard again. Keeps popping up everywhere.

    Aside from all that, their 4 year old NPC delusion they thought She could never lose and believe they get an extra turn because they are special snowflakes, that they all receive first prize for their victim stance and their adroit ability to instantly whip out their race cards.

    You would think She and they by now have figured out they should learn to code. Or get jobs as coal miners. (I’m a WV coal Miner)

    Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution, provides that the president “shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint … judges of the Supreme Court.”

    What part of that is so hard to understand.

  6. I’m reminded of an old Rita Rudner schtick. She’s visiting a friend who has a newborn. The baby is screaming. The mom says that she thinks the baby is hungry. Rita responds: How is she going to respond to a tax audit?

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