Let’s see how long and where did the PRIORITY package go. Here is the tracking:


From Miami to California to Alabama to finally Mississippi. And what it is supposed to be 2-3 days, it stretched to 8 and only because I  started to scream the next day when I could not get tracking info.

Darned package has seen more states than me in the last decade!

Next package I send, I will post a warning label that goes:


That will get overnighted for sure.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “More stupidity in the USPS saga. (FINIS)”
  1. Did it start in Miami? The tracking data suggests that Bakersfield was the starting point. Was it a company based in Miami but using a fulfillment warehouse in California?
    I’m used to seeing tracking logs (with any shipping company, not just USPS) where the first entry amounts to “tracking entry created by the shipper” but the first actual touch of a real package doesn’t occur until a day later, sometimes several days.

  2. I live in Maine. Last year I ordered a valentines present for my wife from a company in Miami.i ordered it 9 days out.. shipped next day usps to…. LA!!!! Then Nevada. Back to LA. MISSISSIPPI, Georgia, Pennsylvania, NY New Hampshire (for 2 days, guess it needed a nap) and finallt with ONE day left it showed up… and idiots want gubmint to run our healthcare…

  3. Sounds like some of my recent USPS packages. One was going from North AL to South Georgia and somehow took over a month to get from A to B. Could have walked it there faster. Another was coming from Central IL to North Alabama. Apparently it took a wrong turn and ended up in Billings, Montana.

    My only grip about the latter is that the package went to Montana instead of me.

  4. It could be worse, my wife ordered a calendar from a non-profit, they shipped at the end of November and it showed up today, over 3 months later.

  5. Im in Arizona. I had a package shipped. Started out in Oklahoma and the next scan was in Puerto Rico.

    Last Christmas was horrible. The package didn’t even leave the building until the 26th of December. I mailed it on the 13th.

  6. I wonder if USPS isn’t a candidate for criminal prosecution for fraud, especially in the area of “USPS Priority Mail.” Charging for a service – 2-3 day delivery – and then willfully and knowingly not providing it – is nearly a text book definition of fraud. That’s it’s conducted across state lines might be an additive for penalties. As to who would prosecute the charges, that’s probably a non-starter, but maybe a civil proceeding? There might even be enough people who have suffered damages – which is require for “standing” – that it might be able to go class action.

    In light of this, how early must one “mail” their annual check to the IRS to avoid penalties? January? “Delivery to the agent is delivery to the principal” is legal doctrine, but when has IRS ever cared about things like that?

  7. Problem is, USPS doesn’t *guarantee* timeframe on plain Priority or even 1st Class.

    So, the Post Awful will only guarantee if you spend extra on Priority Express. Otherwise, they will do jack shit. Jack’s on his union-mandated break, and has been for 97 days. And shit? They left that on the porch and it was stolen.

    My most recent US Snail issue was a small box, 1st Class package. 12 Feb, hit the PO in Portland OR, headed for Spokane WA. *23* Feb, next update, it’s in Buffalo NY. Next day, Rochester. Next update? Spokane. on 27 Feb.

    And then they still couldn’t be bothered to actually put it the right spot for delivery until 2 Mar.

    About the only thing I can say is that my stuff hasn’t been arriving all destroyed. I’m sure that’s coming soon, though – and probably faster than the actual deliveries.

  8. I ordered a package from someone on eBay. I think they were in northern Indiana. The package went to Cincinnati (I live north of Cincy), to Chicago, to Hawaii, back to Chicago, back to Cincinnati and finally to my local Post Office. Took 10 or 14 days.

  9. Expected delivery 2-3 days. The Post Office got it on the 5th. It delivered on the 8th. What am I missing here?

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