My wife an I just finished Carnival Row on Amazon.
It is the most intriguing and addictive show I have seen in a very long time.
Excellent doesn’t begin to describe it.
Rarely have I seen a mystery show that I haven’t been able to figure out by the third episode. This one kept up going to the very end.
Also, as a gun guy, it’s fascinating to see the props that they use for a world that is essentially 1900 England.
Even if you are not a fan of fantasy – and I’m not – it is an absolute must-watch.
On YOUR recommendation, I will watch it. Have not been interested as much, since Amazon did that horrendous superhero “The Boys: thing which started off well then degenerated into a hate filled, anti-God piece, with the Keith Urban character referring to God as a “c*nt” among other things. But I’ll give it a shot, thanks!
Keep watching. Butcher gets his mindfuck on the last episode.
We just started to watch it (under daily dosage rules) yesterday. It is intriguing and has not ticked me off yet so today gets another episode.
Wait … you mean it’s not just another “immigrants good, anti-immigrant people bad” story? Not just another, “refugees good, anti-refugee people bad” story? I’d have never guessed.
It starts that way, but how the first episode ended I think that is a narrative that will not hold for long.
I was worried too, but it totally shifts from the there and gets super good.
I saw the trailer, and figured it would be chock full of ham-fisted “muh racism” allegories, so it got a hard pass from me.