My wife an I just finished Carnival Row on Amazon.

It is the most intriguing and addictive show I have seen in a very long time.

Excellent doesn’t begin to describe it.

Rarely have I seen a mystery show that I haven’t been able to figure out by the third episode.  This one kept up going to the very end.

Also, as a gun guy, it’s fascinating to see the props that they use for a world that is essentially 1900 England.

Even if you are not a fan of fantasy – and I’m not – it is an absolute must-watch.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Must see on Amazon”
  1. On YOUR recommendation, I will watch it. Have not been interested as much, since Amazon did that horrendous superhero “The Boys: thing which started off well then degenerated into a hate filled, anti-God piece, with the Keith Urban character referring to God as a “c*nt” among other things. But I’ll give it a shot, thanks!

  2. Wait … you mean it’s not just another “immigrants good, anti-immigrant people bad” story? Not just another, “refugees good, anti-refugee people bad” story? I’d have never guessed.

  3. I saw the trailer, and figured it would be chock full of ham-fisted “muh racism” allegories, so it got a hard pass from me.

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