Way back in the Old Ages (Namely the 70s) some musicians used to do albums with a single concept and they used to be called Rock Operas. Mostly double LPs, but there were a few triples and the occasional single LP (Thick as a Brick by Jethro Tull comes to mind) which involved not only the band but some extra non-rock musicians and even full-fledged orchestras.

The whole thing pretty much died before the end of the 70s as musical tastes degenerated into Disco, but my particular favorite will always be Journey to the Centre of The Earth by Rick Wakeman. Now imagine my shock when today I find that there was actually a video of one of the Journey concerts available. This is the time were professional video recorders were pretty much the size of a Mini Cooper and video Cameras the size of Vespa scooters.

Journey was my second “serious” album given to me as a gift by a very cute girl who I always had a crush on but I was too cowardly to do anything about it. And my first “serious” album was Brain Salad Surgery by Emerson, Lake and Palmer….. OK, no wonder I am kinda weird.

If you feel like listening to some seriously old Prog Rock, have at it!

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “My Squee of the Week.”
  1. Man o man! I’m 62 and seeing this really takes me back to my “youth”. I also had a copy of Brain Salad Surgery. Wow.

  2. I’m 25 and Yes, ELP, and Rush were all my mainstays when I started buying my own music in middle school. I’m kinda weird, too.

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