chicago gun deaths first

I do have to thank the Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence for making me check out this map.  I gave the map a quick look and I was amazed to see that according to NBC, that weekend was peaceful across the Windy City.

chicago gun deaths
A circle indicated a “gun death” (other deaths are irrelevant) and the color determined the type of gun death. As you can see NOT ONE DEATH happened in Chicago during MLK weekend according to NBC.

Except, stuff did happen according to the Chicago Sun Times: 17 people shot, 2 fatalities.

chicago gun deaths2Damn it! Chicago has the best Gun Control Laws in the country! How dare the truth screw up the narrative!


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “NBC caught fibbing again. Accidental Hat Tip to CSGV”
  1. This from the same NBC that’s airing a week-long series on “gun violence” [sic]? Which (coincidentally, I’m just so sure) falls in the same week as the State of the Union address? And who not only utterly failed to notice Gunwalker/Fast-&-Furious (even when led to it by the nose), but also actively stumps for gun control?

    This is my shocked face.

  2. CSGR meant to say gun violence that occurred outside of Chicago. Chicago doesn’t count. Because progressive enclaves are true flyers. And it doesn’t count. Because Rahm Emanuel and the right people are in charge. And stuff.

    How’d I do?

  3. I thought they had to tell the truth? I’m sure they have to,I saw it on the internet so it had to be true.. 😉

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