NBC Sports will not be a sponsor of the nation’s largest gun trade show next year, a spokesperson confirmed to Media Matters. The network had served for several years as a top sponsor of the event, which has billed itself as a show of industry strength against stronger gun laws.

“Our level of sponsorship has varied each year, and this January we will not be sponsoring the show because it does not make business sense for us at this time,” said the NBC Sports spokesperson…….

……..While NBC Sports will not sponsor the event, their executives will be at the show conducting meetings and entertaining clients, according to the network’s spokesperson, who stressed that the network is participating for the show’s focus on hunting and outdoor sports, not firearms.

via After Years Of Support, NBC Sports Will Not Sponsor Nation’s Largest Gun Show | Blog | Media Matters for America.

I confess that I have no idea about the level of influence or participation that NBC Sports had on the SHOT show. It could not be that big since I never seen a TV special from them about it and I get my dose of SHOT Show news from the usual suspects: The already known Firearms Cable shows like American Shooter, Gun Talk TV and one of the several hundred shows from Michael Bane, plus the blogosphere.

My take about NBC Sports not sponsoring SHOT? A resounding “Meh!”

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “NBC Sports Will Not Sponsor the SHOT Show….. So?”
  1. “this January we will not be sponsoring the show because it does not make business sense for us”

    Doesn’t make sense for the SHOT show to be accepting NBC sponsorship dollars either. Clear conflict of interests there.

  2. Their participation is a holdover from when the NBC Sports channel was “Versus”, which was the Outdoor Life Network before it.
    NBC Sports also cancelled 3 Gun Nation right after Newtown. Cowardice such as that should not be rewarded with our eyeballs or money.

  3. […] Comcast, owners of NBC Sports, are dropping sponsorship of the SHOT show. NBC is owned by Comcast, who’s CEO is a huge lefty Democratic donor and was a bundler for Obama. I saved 1400 a year by dropping their crappy, overpriced cable service a few years ago and haven’t missed it. […]

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