They posted this early in the AM and I happened to be awake, so….
Sorry, I could not help myself. They had it coming
Where a Hispanic Catholic, and a Computer Geek write about Gun Rights, Self Defense and whatever else we can think about.
They posted this early in the AM and I happened to be awake, so….
Sorry, I could not help myself. They had it coming
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.
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Why would it need to be a frequent occurrence anyway? I mean, if it saves just one life…
As is the norm, they are not overly concerned when the good guys live.
[…] Is how loud they are. […]
Taking bets on how long until Miguel’s posts are removed.
I’d be surprised if they’re still there now.
Miguel’s posts were deleted, but that post has been successfully trolled by pro-gun folks since then, and those are still up.
It is still up…. I think they posted the same thing 2-3 times.
His posts weren’t deleted. NGVAC posted the topic multiple times. Miguel’s posts are on the other topic.
There would be more stories like that if not for the biased lame stream media.
When was the last time a car or alcohol was involved in a death? Just sayin’…
Posts like this is one of many reasons why I read this blog daily. Well played.
Yep they spam their own page. this one is on there 3 different times. They really are mental defectives..
The NRA Hates Gun Regulations Except When It Loves Gun Regulations
My brain hurts from the stupid.
You must understand how they think. If a firearm saves a life or a thousand lives, its no reason to keep it, but if it takes a single life, they believe its reason to ban them all.
Well in their eyes, a firearm which saves a thousand lives by ending the life of one scumbag murderer is still a horrible tool which was used to end one person’s life.
Please, won’t anyone think of the scumbag murderers?
Well played, sir!
I heard the pimp-slap from all the way out here in the Arizona wastelands. Nice shot, brother!
You can’t think of a category? Ahem…
You’re very welcome!
Also, awesome!
I just really dislike to do the whole tag thing…. 😀