NEWARK, NJ — A real estate company that owns thousands of units in Essex, Hudson, Atlantic and Mercer counties is allegedly trying to create a “firearm-free building” in New Jersey’s largest city. And they’re willing to start evicting tenants who won’t comply, according to a state gun rights group.
On Wednesday, the New Jersey Second Amendment Society (NJ2AS) posted a blog about the alleged gun ban at Richardson Lofts, a multi-story apartment building at 50 Columbia Street in Newark’s downtown area.
According to the NJ2AS, the building’s owner, Montclair-based RPM Development Group, is allegedly “prohibiting their tenants from owning firearms.

“NOTICE TO ALL TENANTS: Effective as of May 1, 2018, this building will be a firearm-free building. No one will be permitted to store or carry a gun or rifle, or any other type of firearm of any kind in the building or on the grounds. If it is discovered that you do have a firearm of any kind on this property, you will receive a Notice to Cease, followed by a Notice to Vacate. Please be guided accordingly.”

Montclair Developer Won’t Let Newark Tenants Own Guns

So I indulged in a wee bit of Photoshop:

Don’t forget, We Are The New Negroes.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “New Jersey Developer to ban civil rights in its properties.”
  1. I foresee an increase in crime in this hoity-toity building. They might as well put up another sign that sez “welcome robbers & criminals of all kinds.”

    People who can’t immediately move should get a lawyer and draft a letter to contact that developer/bldg. management, stating that they (the bldg. management) is now fully responsible for the security of the tenants and that lawsuits will be filed against them for every crime that affects the tenants who are unable to fend for themselves thanks to that management’s anti-gun bias.

  2. I’m pretty certain they will lose in court, eventually. The state/district courts may go their way, because New Jersey, but that will fail once it reaches SCOTUS. I seem to remember something similar elsewhere that got shot down (pun intended) but I can’t recall where. I want to say Ohio or TN or something. Landlords tried to pull that crap, got reminded that you can’t do that.

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