Well, ain’t that nice?  It is crap like this that makes any Floridian develop a nice strain of contempt and repulse for anybody with a NY accent.

As of this hour (8:09 pm) Florida has 1,227 confirmed cases (half of those in Miami-Dade and Broward counties) and a total of 18 deaths. For a state that has a huge population falls within the parameters of dying from Wuhan virus and a lot of them living in assisted living facilities, only 19 deaths is momentous.  yes, I know that number will not hold and we will see more of our elderly dying, but what we don’t need is a combination of the stupidly irresponsible to ad to the danger.

What in God possessed New Yorkers that might be infected, to hop in a flying cylinder that uses recirculated air so all passengers shares a wee bit of Wuhan Virusauce, and then come here to share even more Wuhan Virusauce with the locals just because you did not want to stay quarantined in your city.

And of course, you have nothing in your second home, rental, Time Share or Airbnb, so you need to go to the stores and buy the items you already had in New York but didn’t bring and while shopping, once again  sharing Wuhan Virusauce with fellow shoppers.

But I disagree with De Santis. Do not quarantine them for 14 days and release them but do the lockdown and ship their asses back to NY.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “New York becoming the new Italy? Let’s share the Chinese Virus with Florida.”
  1. What about all those mentally defective college kids partying on the beaches? It may be a bit late for this action. Those beaches should have been closed a week or two ago and the party children sent home, or into army camp quarantine sites perhaps.
    I wonder if there’s going to be some Constitutional battles about this. There’s not a lot of power states have to control travel from other states. The “agricultural inspection” CA does, or used to, on the highways coming in from AZ is about the limit, and even those were debatable.

  2. Between your post and mine, we see a trend of infected New Yorkers trying to get out of the hell they created in New York and are taking their infection with them to spread to the locals.

  3. Oh, so now we have **INFECTED** self-righteous politically-correct NYC yankees progtards coming into the state?!

    Lovely. SMH

    Hey Governor, if there was EVER a time to rid this state of the pox that is NYC dbags, now is that time.

  4. What Gov. DeSantis is doing won’t work because anyone breathing out virus particles will have passed them to every person on that plane, and will have passed the virus to the people in the airport as they walk to get their luggage and so on.

    Remember, the aircraft is only pressurized compared to the outside air above about 10,000 feet. Once on the ground, Miami air goes into the plane and the airplane’s air exchanges with the outside, so that spreads the virus on the ground around the plane.

  5. They are not just coming by airplane. Many are driving down I95 to stay with grandma or their siblings who already migrated here. How do you order those people to self isolate?

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