State records show more than 130 registered sex offenders attend or work at colleges, universities, or vocational schools in South Florida.

While nearly every college, university, and vocational school in South Florida has registered sex offenders enrolled or employed, Local 10 found most students had no idea who is sitting next to them and teaching them in the classroom because the state doesn’t make the information easily accessible.

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Sex Offenders among young females unable to defend themselves… pry tell what can go wrong.

Hey, they can always puke and poop on themselves, right?

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “No Guns on Campus ’cause they are perfectly safe!”
  1. What we need is to reach a compromise. So. Aforementioned young females carry a gun with them (their choice of caliber/brand/model) and put two to the center mass of sleazy perp. Following that, while said perp is twitching and bleeding out in the shadows, young female can pee on them. See how that works? Everybody’s happy!

  2. “most students had no idea who is sitting next to them and teaching them in the classroom because the state doesn’t make the information easily accessible.”

    Frankly I think most students wouldn’t bother to look such things up even if it were easily accessible, but I guess we can blame the state if we want. Then again, I could be completely wrong. I’ve never been the sort of person a sex offender is most likely to find attractive (geeky males with big noses aren’t high on their list, from all the statistics I’ve seen)

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