Never a good idea to stand in front of a several thousand pounds of metal and horse flesh driven by a decided human.

Reader Eli B. told me about other videos related to this action. Apparently they tried to break into the trailer’s rear. You can see the ramp was dropped.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

14 thoughts on “No More Reginal Denny: Tulsa. OK (UPDATE)”
  1. You can bet that if they’d stopped him – because he was being CIVILIZED – and dragged him out of his truck he’d end up like Reginald Denny.

    Personally, and I know I’m being “mean and nasty and insensitive” for this, I hope the person run over dies. Actions have consequences.

  2. I hope the driver isn’t charged. And that he or she is armed at home in case the job want to try for some revenge.

  3. Ram 3500, dually, Cummins diesel, 15,000 lbs towing capacity. Like some chunky bitch can stop that by leaning on it.

    Also who the hell do these people think they are having the right to block a federal interstate.

  4. The news says that the crowd let a black driver previously through but stopped him, presumably because he was white.

    The driver of the truck pulled a gun and put it on his dashboard causing outrage and more attacks on his truck.

    Elsewhere it was stated that the protesters were harming his horses with smoke bombs or pepper spray.

    Another headline for this would be “racist crowd limits highway use by skin color, commits animal cruelty.”

  5. And the driver followed the first rule: Don’t break your defensive perimeter!

    I was worried that he was getting out to put the ramp up. Instead the cops did it for him. And the fact that he stopped at the cop checkpoint says he did the right thing.

    I thought I saw “puffs of smoke” coming out of the truck. Did he fire at anybody?

    1. MiniMe, when you read the article it says “there were no injuries” and then in the same article it says “the truck driver was taken to a local hospital with non-life threatening injuries.”

      In other words we have bunch of yahoos up on a freaking expressway. The cops have blocked traffic but this truck comes through.

      The truck is going slow enough that no protesters are injured (quote: It looked like the truck was going very fast)

      The “mostly peaceful protesters” decided that this truck, not following their orders to stop, should have its driver pulled out of the cab and ??? (injuries were applied)

      Yeah, and in MN I’m pretty sure the driver would be in Jail right now if he had attempted to defend himself.

      1. “MiniMe, when you read the article it says “there were no injuries” and then in the same article it says “the truck driver was taken to a local hospital with non-life threatening injuries.””

        Yep, that is what’s becoming annoying. Too many reports and none of them match. It’s cray-cray out there.

        Now if y’all excuse me, I gotta go order more ammo.

    2. And for those following along at home, the link that MineMe posted is to a different event than the one in this article.

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