In the last month and a half, we have seen shrieking Leftist protesters interrupt a formal Senate hearing.

We’ve seen mobs of Leftist protesters driving Republican Senators out of restaurants, assailing them in the streets, and cornering them in halls and elevators to scream at them.

We’ve heard of Leftists mailing Senators wire coat hangers, and calling in threats of rape and murder against Senators, their staffers, and Kavanaugh and his family.

We’ve seen Lefty protesters harass and attack people peacefully holding signs in support of Kavanaugh.

We saw Antifa taking over city streets in Portland, beating cars and threatening people with batons.

Even in perfect and peaceful Canada, we saw a male feminist roundhouse kick a woman in the head because she was pro-life and therefore anti-woman.

The two things I haven’t seen in the news are any of the Parkland kids or violence committed by Republicans or Conservatives.  You know that if a single person in a MAGA hat beat up a Lefty saying it was over Ford’s baseless accusations, CNN and MSNBC would have been running it on a loop 24/7 for a week.

So out of the blue, Emma Gonzalez in interviewed by Variety magazine.

Variety promotes her interview with this (now deleted) Tweet:

Variety also apparently edited their interview to remove this quote as a result of the same backlash that caused them to delete this Tweet.

It seems like after six straight weeks of the Progressive Youth trying to rip this country apart because Auntie Maxine told them to because Gam-Gam Feinstein said that Kavanaugh was evil, thinking that NRA members are going to randomly attack “her 15 minutes are up” Gonzalez was more bullshit than anybody was going to swallow.

Projection and fame-whoring are a terrible combination.

Speaking of which, I realized in writing this that I haven’t heard from David Hogg since the Kavanaugh circus started.  I wonder if not being on TV for more than a week has caused him to have a complete mental breakdown.


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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Nobody is paying attention to her”
  1. Speaking of things bring sent to senators, what happened to that white powder sent to a few Repubs? I realize i haven’t seen anything about that either.

  2. We should take up a collection to buy Depends for Ms. Gonzalez so she doesn’t ruin her clothing when a thunder clap occurs or an SUV with an NRA sticker drives by

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