The privileged daughter of a prominent city doctor, and her boyfriend — a Harvard grad and Occupy Wall Street activist — have been busted for allegedly having a cache of weapons and a bombmaking explosive in their Greenwich Village apartment.
I wonder if Josh Horwitz will accuse them of being “Insurrectionists.”
No freakin way, TERRORISTS… yes!
And because their AMERICAN’S throw the freakin book at them.
“She” is with “child” and “he” is so far advanced ” intellectually ” they could never be labeled “insurrectionists”. Please remember the most important thing….the parents of these two are “friends” of Hillary R-C and Mikey B…… wanta bet? 🙁
Morgan Gliedman — who is nine-months pregnant — and her baby daddy, Aaron Greene
Is this really how far our English language has fallen? Did the words “and her baby’s father” just escape them or is the phrase no longer is use?
Prime journalism here boys and girls.
Police also found a flare launcher, which is a commercial replica of a grenade launcher;
Really? I didn’t know that flare gun in my boat was a replica of a grenade launcher, I”ll have to research that for sure.
*facepalm* The writer of that article needs to be chained to a wall stud in a room with a wall length black board, a supply of erasers and a several CASES of chalk. He will spend the rest of his LIFE in that room writing..”I’m a dunce, because I can’t use proper grammar and english language when writing a news story.” Oh and install a port a potty in the room. Only empty it when it’s full, and since it’s just him? That should be several months between cleansings…..
From Wikipedia-“….HMTD remains a common home-made explosive and has been used in a large number of suicide bombings throughout the world,…”
Gee, if we ban them bad old guns no more mass…………. 🙁