I have been curious about knowing if I am the member of the Wuhan V Club and now that the antibody test is available and free in drive-thru places in South Florida, I was ready to take ah hour or two listening to music in my truck waiting for the test.

But with the assholes in the Media using easy-accessible-for-all tests and the obvious raise in positive cases (yet deaths remain low) I figured fuck them if my stats are going to become fodder for their hatchet job.

Then again, the Wuhan V crisis will disappear come November 4, right?

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Not going to test for Kung Flu.”
  1. It will DEFINITELY disappear if Crazy Joe wins. But then America as a free nation will also disappear if that happens then, too.

  2. I wouldn’t get a test for the active infection done unless I was feeling unwell. It seems there are a good amount of positive tests for people who aren’t sick. Whether those people actually have it and are asymptomatic or the test is giving a false positive, I’m not setting myself up for involvement with contact tracers or to be a statistic in a political narrative. As for the antibody test, I’d get one, but my understanding is they aren’t very accurate, so there’s probably no point.

  3. Just doing some quick math here. If I am correct, the infection rate among those who chose to get tested is a little over 7.4%. I will admit ignorance about viral spread, but that does not seem particularly terrifying. I think the seasonal flu has an infection rate of around 10%.

    To use this as justification for closing businesses, and requiring mask use is ludicrous. Yet, scary stories…. Lock them back down.

  4. IMO total cases is purely trivial data at this point when it’s this widespread. All that really matters is hospitalizations and deaths, which the media is keeping awfully quiet about. If people were dying in droves you know they’d be reporting on it.

  5. Anonymized for my protection….

    I work for a very, *VERY* large hospital operator. I am with you: more tests = more cases because of course it does you media idiots.

    The real number to look at is ICU patients that are there due to covid19 and nothing else. You can’t even look at deaths because they test that later, and even people who died in car accidents are being counted in that number.

    I was completely dismissive of the increase in cases because I knew about the increase in testing. I was dismissive of a lot of things because if protesting is permitted but church service is not, then obviously the rules are arbitrary and not a result of health science.

    But here’s the thing:

    Our covid19 ICU patient population doubled in 10 days. The average age of our ICU patient population has dropped from 66 to 43 in that same time period. 1200 nationwide to 2400 nationwide. We have around 100 hospitals. Houston is bad, and almost at 100% capacity. Houston, by the way, is where George Floyd’s funeral was, and the uptick in cases precisely coincides with a large infection event on that date.

    So, no, it’s really still out there and it’s really still effing people up.

    1. Has any of the reporting about the “alarming increase” mentioned the BLM protests at all? Or the fact that the demographic mentioned in the latest increase matches exactly the demographic of those protests?
      No, I didn’t think so.

  6. And, the information gets more and more interesting…

    Apparently the number of deaths is way over reported. Could be as much as 97% overreported.

    And…. the fatality rate is much lower than hyped:

    Which the CDC actually confirms….

    If these articles are in fact supported and supportable, the panicdemic is in fact a hoax.

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