In our wildest conservative dreams we want Californians to realize all their problems are self induced and stop voting for radial Democrats.

Maybe , just maybe, we suggest a peaceful separation in which California becomes its own republic, then when they really fuck it up, the rest of us are not on the hook to bail them out or let them emigrate out of the shit-hole they created.

We do not suggest the mass murder of 63 million US citizens because they vote Democrat.

Mass murder because of political differences is the meat-and-potatoes of the Left.


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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Nothing like calling for genocide because you’re losing an election”
  1. The issue here is that regardless of how much we dislike their opinions and politics, we consider our political opponents to be human. Loathsome, disgusting humans perhaps, but human nonetheless.

    Much of the left consider us their political enemies – an obstacle to overcome by whatever means necessary, and less than human in many ways.

    What worries me is that it seems my children may well grow up in a time of full-blown conflict

    1. @hightecrebel, I have to disagree but only slightly. The left doesn’t see us as “political enemies” they see us as evil.

      Look at the words we use to describe them. Stupid, moronic, ignorant, rude, nasty. We call some of their ideas “evil” but they are still human.

      They call us “Racist”, “misogynistic”, “evil”, “nazi”, and all the rests. Look at how you act towards people with the different levels.

      Would you punch a stupid person? No. How about an ignorant or rude person? Nope. How about a nazi? Is it ok to punch a nazi? or to “remove evil from society”.

      The left has taken words that have meant the same things for decades and twisted them to mean exactly what they want in that moment. And having defined those words, use them.

      “Racist” Use to mean somebody that judged another by the color of their skin. Today it means somebody that doesn’t bend a knee to BLM or doesn’t agree that they are evil for existing with the wrong skin color.

      But how you treat a racist is still the same. Same with all of the labels they apply to conservatives.

      The way I normally hear it is: The right thinks the left is stupid. The left things the right is evil.

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