Really? Has the infamous Bogaloo started and we have not been told?

Shelter in Place is “Shit Hit The Fan! Prepare to repeal boarders” scenario. I did a quick search and found Yale University’s definition and actions to take when a Shelter in Place is given:

Shelter in place means finding a safe location indoors and staying there until you are given an “all clear” or told to evacuate. You may be asked to shelter in place because of an active shooter; tornado; or chemical, radiological, or other hazard

We have a pandemic going on, yes, but are you sure it is covered under this?

In finding a safe location: Does the door lock? Does it open out or in? Is there furniture nearby that you can use to barricade the door? Can you close or block the windows?
Think of what you might need (food, water, and medication) if the shelter-in-place notice lasts many hours.

That covers shooters, tornadoes, hail and and mob situations. Short duration events.

In an active shooter situation: determine whether you need to barricade yourself. Know if the door opens outward or inward. Test the lock.

In a severe weather event: the rule of thumb is to put as many walls between you and the outdoors as possible and head to the lowest floor possible. The basement is an ideal location.

Test doors, locks and barricade yourself? The next step is the proper positioning around the house of spare guns and magazines.  We are talking local LEOs have lost control and we have the L.A riots about to do parade in front of your location

I believe the governor is being a bit over dramatic unless he has intelligence saying the Cajuns are coming out of the Bayou and they are pissed off as hell

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Now you are exaggerating”
  1. According to my CERT training, “shelter in place” means “stay inside, lock the doors, don’t leave, and take appropriate precautions (such as taping over vents and windows in a nuclear disaster, for example). The proper order for this virus scare is “Stay inside,” but politicians like to say “shelter in place” because it sounds cooler and more official and government-y.

    1. Exactly. Their sloppiness of terms isn’t helpful, but neither is dialing the paranoia.

      1. Except that dialing up the paranoia is exactly what the left is trying to do. How else are they going to wreck the economy and then use that as an excuse for voting Trump out of office?

  2. Cool!

    Keep the unwashed masses contained, and only those obeying the powers that be’s commands.

    1. WTF happened to the rest of my comment….

      Only those obeying the orders of those in power will be allowed freedom of movements.

      Been fighting technology for weeks now, and losing every time.

  3. There shutting down the courts in my jurisdiction. Rumors are flying regarding whether local law enforcement will actually show up absent an ongoing emergency. Schools are already out for the duration of the school year.

    I feel like I’m only a short step from getting out my Mad Max wardrobe . . . . .

    and we’ve reached the point where the reaction is more damaging than the disease. But idiot politicians (significant redundancy there) are under enormous pressure to “do something.” so they’re dong something, even if its wrong, or counterproductive.

  4. “repeal borders” – isn’t that exactly what the dems/libs and/or commies have been trying to do for decades?
    Now if you meant repelling boarders that is a whole different proposition. My 1851 Naval Cutlass has been put on standby.
    NOTE – not picking on ya but a little levity is always in order.

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