By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Oh, hell yes I’m seeing it”
  1. Hmm… looks interesting. Hope the hollyweird commitsrds don’t ruin it with unnecessary & unwanted pc bullshit.

    1. What Minime said. Please Hollyweird, don’t F this up. As a young adult, I read/reread/re-reread the series and there hasn’t been a decent (IMO) adaptation done yet. Here’s hoping!

  2. It looks amazing. Truly. Paul as depicted in this trailer is almost exactly what I’ve had in mind’s eye for a long time. I read DUNE for the first time almost 45 years ago. I was about 18 or 19. And, wow! What an impact it had on me. Herbert’s first three were brilliant. His next three were meh. And his son’s attempts? Well, let’s not go there, even though I’ve read a bunch of them.

    And yes, I’m one of those freaks who is DYING to see David Lynch’s uncut version…

  3. I’m mentally lining up to go see it. The buzz in advance has been good.

    Have you seen the trailer for Foundation? Looks fantastic. Apparently being done for Apple as a streaming-only show.

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