“There’s going to be a draconian overreaction to shut everything down,” said Dunn, 42, who has attended events at the collective in the Fruitvale neighborhood. “That would only add to the tragedy.”
“People are getting worried (the fire) is gonna be used against us,” said Katelyn Charvoz, of West Oakland. The 25-year-old said she’s been involved in the music/party scene since she was about 15. “The city’s gonna paint us as some ugly, crusty, punk kids that are up to no good. If they buy up all the warehouses on every street and kick everyone out, it will just hurt the arts community here.”

Source: Oakland artists fear crackdown from city leaders after fire

If you are an artist that after a fire like this can remain stupid and not come up with the thought “Holy shit! We better learn from this. How about we figure ourselves how to make our working/living spaces safer,” you do deserve to die a fiery death.

And I support your desire for the local authorities to stay away from your Future Flaming Death Trap. I need nominees for the Darwin Awards.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

13 thoughts on “Oh, the Irony over the possible consequences of the Oakland Fire.”
  1. Like ermigerd, just because all those people burned to death horribly, The Man is gonna come around and yuck our yum! Stupid ravers! Why’d they have to mess up our good thing by dying?

  2. 🙁 Holy wtf? With that lead-in I was expecting some commiseration about the “somebodyoughttos” and maybe a little schadenfreude at the fact they can’t see how it extends to others.

    But instead you went full anti. The article is nearly word for word what happens to us in the gun community when something bad happens, that’s just shocking.

    Let’s play a little word substitution…
    “There’s going to be a draconian overreaction to shut everything down,” … “People are getting worried (the shooting) is gonna be used against us,” … “The city’s gonna paint us as some ugly, crusty, racist old men that are up to no good.”

    Then for your reply, let’s give it the same treatment…
    “If you are a gun owner that after a shooting like this can remain stupid and not come up with the thought “Holy shit! We better learn from this. How about we figure ourselves how to make our guns safer,” you do deserve to die a fiery death.”

    I swear I read virtually this exact word swapped exchange multiple times following Sandy Hook, and we were rightfully upset about it, now here one of us is, doing it to another group?! I repeat, holy wtf?!

    1. Exactly what I was going to say.

      Given the headline, I thought the point of the post was going to be how the libs get upset when the same broad brush that is used on gunowners was used against them.

      What I saw was 180 degrees from what I was expecting!


    2. I am guessing the section that bother you is this:

      “Holy shit! We better learn from this. How about we figure ourselves how to make our working/living spaces safer,”

      So, by your rant. you have an enormous problem with the ability to fix the issues within our community and without the intervention of the government. You must be against The Four Rules (you don’t tell em what to do!) or teaching kids the proper firearms safety or learning Avoidance, Deterrence and De-Escalation? I can go on, but you should be able to get the gist of this.

      1. No, our problem is that depsite the use of “irony” in the title, you pointed out no irony. You gave good advice, but that isn’t irony. The irony was obvious (“don’t judge us all because of some idiots”), so we came into the post expecting you to point out the irony – the “broad brush” I mentioned.

        That is all.


        1. “No, our problem is that depsite the use of “irony” in the title, you pointed out no irony.”

          You need a full description on how a bunch of artists who chose to live California (The Heaven of Government Regulations including controlled cow farts) and probably voted for the Socialists candidates of the region, are worried because some colleagues died spectacularly in a fire and now they are afraid that regulations are coming.

          As much as I would like to cater to everybody that comes to read my blog, I simply can’t. I will assume that by reading for a while, you get where I come from and that I believe in doing laundry internally without having a governmental third part tell me what to do. That I despise idiots that are unsafe because they both get innocent people killed and bring the vultures of government regulators upon the rest.

          Now, if I need to repeat the above (and whatever else you may or may not need) to understand where I come from in every post, maybe this is not the blog you are looking for.

      2. Oh I get the gist, you wrote something brain numbingly stupid and indiscernible from what the gun control vultures write about us, and are doubling down on it by deflecting from the actual context (“draconian overreaction”) to a context that simply wasn’t part of the interview, let alone my complaint (“anti-safety”).

        Honestly, how did you get from “There’s going to be a draconian overreaction to shut everything down,” to all this make believe in your head about anti-safety irony?

        1. And as always, if you don’t like what I write, there is the door. There is always The Truth About Guns which may cater to your taste… or lack of it.

          1. Seriously, I like over 99.9% of what you write, but when you say something stupid I’m going to pipe up about it.

            And it’s a real shame you don’t seem to handle such conversations well. I started out constructive with the word substitutions, but how you blew up with the strawman arguments, that was just sad.

        2. “you wrote something brain numbingly stupid and indiscernible from what the gun control vultures write about us”

          Um, what?

          The clown responsible for the building where this fire happened *had* been warned, repeatedly, that the building wasn’t safe, that it was a firetrap. He ran a combination RV park and dance club and ignored every standard of safety and cleanliness in the book. And shockingly when his negligence got dozens of people killed, his reaction was to take his family to a luxury hotel. The reaction from the “community” of people who suck the government teat and refuse to abide by such harshing of their mellow as fire codes is to whine that they’re being oppressed.

          Now, what gun control clowns do is lie about gun owners. They ignore the culture of gun safety we built and maintain. They ignore the programs we sponsor to spread real gun safety knowledge. They ignore that most of the guns involved in crime weren’t legally purchased, that most gun deaths are connected to the drug trade, and that incidents like OSU show that, yeah, a violent lunatic can be stopped by a good guy with a gun.

          Where is Miguel lying? He’s quoting the idiots whining that they’ll be expected to live by the same rules the rest of us do.

  3. Ravers and ‘artist colonies’ are nothing more than the latest iteration of the hippie culture in the Bay Area. As always, they are flouting the laws with the knowledge and connivance of the slumlords out there… I’m just surprised it’s taken this long for them to burn something down.

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